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Rabin-Miller test 
race conditions  2nd 
rand( ) 
RAND_add( ) 
RAND_bytes( ) 
RAND_load_file( ) 
RAND_pseudo_bytes( ), insecurity of 
RAND_seed( ) 
RAND_write_file( ) 
random identifiers, usage in email confirmations 
random nonces vs. sequential 
random numbers 
    data with entropy, compressing into a fixed-size seed 
    determining what kind to use 
        entropy harvesters and PRNGs 
    entropy gathering  [See entropy, gathering]
        for shared secrets 
        on Unix without /dev/random and urandom devices 
    generic API for 
    OpenSSL random number API 
    pseudo-random number generators  [See PRNGs]
    random floating-point values, getting
        nonuniform distribution 
        uniform distribution 
    random integer in a range, getting 
    random integers, getting 
    random printable ASCII strings
        converting to 
        generating, security and string length 
    shuffling fairly 
    statistically testing 
        continuous output test 
        power-up and on-demand tests 
    Unix, generating in 
    Windows, generating in 
random( ) 
RAs (registration authorities) 
raw data, hexadecimal representation 
RC2 algorithm, effective key bits function, OpenSSL 
RC4 algorithm  2nd 
    limits as random number source 
    setting up and using 
    stream cipher as PRNG 
    supported key sizes 
    using in self-modifying code 
RC5 algorithm
    number of rounds, configuration in OpenSSL 
    supported key sizes 
RDTSC instruction 
    vs. gettimeofday( ) 
read( ) 
read_data( ) 
readpassphrase( ) 
readpassphrase.h header file 
real vs. effective user and group IDs 
realpath( ) 
    thread-safety, lack of 
    for Unix 
    for Windows 
    OS compatibility 
registration authorities (RAs) 
relative paths 
remove_private_key( ) 
replay attacks, prevention using sequential nonces 
representing binary keys as hexadecimal 
representing keys (or other binary data) as English text 
representing keys and certificates in plaintext (PEM encoding) 
representing keys for use in cryptographic algorithms 
representing public keys and certificates in binary (DER encoding) 
resource starvation attacks
        on Unix 
        on Windows 
restricted tokens 
restricting access permissions for new files (Unix) 
restricting filesystem access on Unix 
restricting filesystem and network access on BSD 
restricting privileges 
RetrieveWebData( ) 
RFC 822, email syntax 
ring0 debuggers 
RIPEMD-160 algorithm 
Rivest, Ron  2nd 
RMAC  2nd 
rollback attacks  2nd 
root certificates 
    CAs, list 
    obtaining and checking 
Root Report 
RSA algorithm  2nd 
    authenticated key exchange 
        MACs, usage 
    complexity of implementation 
    converting binary strings to integers for use with 
    converting integers to binary strings 
    DER-encoding of public keys 
    dictionary attacks and 
    EME-OAEP padding 
    generating key pairs 
    and man-in-the-middle attacks 
    padding and 
    private keys, decryption using 
    private keys, signing with 
    public keys, encryption using 
    raw decryption using a private key 
    raw encryption with a public key 
    recommended key lengths 
    secure signing and encryption 
    signature verification with public keys 
    symmetric encryption, usage in implementations 
RSA_blinding_on( ) 
RSA_generate_key( ) 
RSA_private_decrypt( ) 
RSA_public_encrypt( )  2nd  3rd 
RSA_sign( ) 
RSA_size( ) 
RSASSA-PKCS1v1.5 signing standard 
RSASSA-PSS digital signing standard 
RtlSecureMemory( ) 

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