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11.1 Monitoring the Alert Log

When an Oracle database is created, a file commonly referred to as the alert log is created. As errors and other conditions occur during processing, messages are logged to this file. Basically, every important event that occurs causes a record to be written to the alert log: when the database starts up, when it shuts down, and everything in between (e.g,. creating tablespaces and datafiles, performing privileged operations). Every important error message ends up in the alert log; in some cases, a message directs the DBA to a trace file that contains more detailed alert information.

It is the responsibility of the DBA to monitor the alert log on a regular basis so as to deal with any problems or potential security issues before they affect the database or its users. The sooner you find out about error conditions, the better; unlike wine and cheese, database problems don't improve with age. Monitoring the alert log can be a challenge, however: there is an alert log for every database, and busy DBAs have many other things to do that are more pressing than manually scanning alert log files. As somewhat dyed-in-the-wool geeks,[1] your authors find that the thought of spending valuable daily minutes manually poring over database alert logs sends shivers up and down our workstations. Frankly, trawling through alert logs makes for a great insomnia cure, but it's hard to fit into the day.

[1] If you think this is synonymous with "aging geeks," you're right. Your authors readily admit to being over 18 years old.

To automate this tedious process and help DBAs keep close watch over their databases, we've written a collection of scripts designed to monitor the Oracle alert logs in real time and to report directly to the DBA the instant a database problem is detected. These scripts let you configure what to look for in the alert log and the email addresses to which to send messages. In addition, they allow messages to be mailed individually or batched up (depending on platform) and to be sent either immediately or at particular time intervals.

11.1.1 Where is the Alert Log?

The location and name of the file containing the alert log are operating system and version-dependent; they may also be subject to local DBA standards or the caprice of a third-party application's enforcing its own standards for the location of the alert log.

Given a database of the name orcl, the alert log may normally be found at either of these locations on Unix systems:


On Win32 systems it would likely be found at:


11.1.2 Monitoring with

The script is at the center of the toolkit alert-monitoring application. This Perl script provides the following capabilities:

Constant monitoring

Monitors the alert log for errors and collects these into an array that is emailed automatically to the addresses you've specified.

Multiple email address

Emails error messages to multiple email addresses if you configure them.

Message throttling

Controls the rate at which that email is sent; this is very helpful in cases where a large number of error messages occur simultaneously. (This feature is only available on Unix systems.)

Flexible configuration of errors to check

Allows you to specify the errors the script should check for in the alert log. You specify errors via a list of Perl regular expressions (giving you the ultimate in flexibility).

This script runs in the background as a daemon on Unix. A version of it,, runs as a service on Win32.

One particularly important feature of is the set of configurable controls it provides in an effort to prevent error messages from overwhelming your mail server. You may wonder what terrible circumstances would generate so many error messages that it could bring a mail server to its knees! Actually, this happens more than you would imagine. A relatively common example is an imperfectly tested program that ignores error messages and continues to attempt the same operation over and over. For example, consider a PL/SQL routine that collects records from an OLTP system and inserts them into a data warehouse. After a month of record-breaking sales, the warehouse table chews through all the available space allocated for that month — suddenly, you'll run into a brick wall in the form of an Oracle error such as the following:

ORA-1653 unable to extend table MY_TABLE by 16 in tablespace OLTP_DATA.

A reasonable and well-behaved PL/SQL routine would catch this error and abort the process, notifying someone of the problem. However, if a miscreant piece of code fails to catch an exception of this kind, it can easily generate thousands of error messages in a very short time. This can keep a mail server very busy!

The problem is compounded when the receivers of such emails are running a mail filter, such as procmail, which spawns a new process for each email received. This can easily cause your company's mail server to suddenly display poorer performance than the old Commodore 64 you still have in your closet (don't try to deny it).

As you can well imagine, system administrators are somewhat less than amused by such denials of service, especially when they occur in the wee hours of the morning. And let's face it, things like this always occur in the wee hours of the morning. We like our own sysadmins, and try to avoid giving them reasons to feel otherwise about us, so we use to keep mail server disasters from occurring.

Although in almost every other case we provide a single script that operates on both Unix and Win32 platforms, that isn't the case here. We originally designed the script to run on Unix and subsequently created a modified version that works on Win32. When dealing with background daemons for Unix or services for Win32, the code base becomes quite unwieldy if it tries to do both jobs. So in this case we achieved much better performance out of maintaining separate Unix and Win32 versions.

In the installation procedures described later in this chapter, we cover Unix installation followed by Win32 differences. Because most aspects of installation and configuration are the same for the two platforms, we recommend that if you are running on Win32, you nevertheless read the Unix section first.

11.1.3 Installing and Configuring chkalert on Unix

If you followed the installation instructions in Chapter 9, the Unix version of the alert-monitoring script,, will already be installed on your system. You'll find it in the same location as the other executable scripts, most likely in /usr/local/bin. (As long as PATH includes the script installation directory, your system will find it.) Once underway, the Perl daemon carries out the following tasks (all of which can be configured) chkalert.conf

The first installation step is to locate and update the chkalert.conf configuration file used by the script. The configuration file contains settings for the parameters used to control alert monitoring at your site. Default settings are provided in the configuration file that is included in the toolkit when you first install it. You can then edit this file as desired. We perform this editing process as follows:

  1. Change directory to wherever you unzipped the PDBA Toolkit archive, and then move into the ../chkalert directory. For example, if you unpacked PDBA-1.00.tar.gz into /tmp, you would move to /tmp/PDBA-1.00/chkalert:

    $ cd /tmp/PDBA-1.00
    $ cd chkalert
    $ pwd
  2. If you don't already have the chkalert.conf file in PDBA_HOME (perhaps you have installed it as another user), make sure you do, and then cd to PDBA_HOME:

    $ ls $PDBA_HOME/chkalert.conf
    ls: chkalert.conf: No such file or directory
    $ cp chkalert.conf $PDBA_HOME 
    $ cd $PDBA_HOME
  3. Make sure you can write to the file, and then begin to edit its configuration. (The chkalert.conf filename is specified in, so please don't change the name of the file.)

    $ chmod u+w chkalert.conf
    $ cp chkalert.conf chkalert.old  # Once bitten, twice shy! :-)
    $ vi chkalert.conf

There are just a few parameters you'll need to modify. We've reproduced the configuration file from the PDBA distribution in Example 11-1. Following the example we describe the main parameters you can specify in the file.

Example 11-1. Configuration for — chkalert.conf
package chkalert;
use vars qw{ %ckConf };
%ckConf = (
   # recipients of email for alert log errors
   dbaAddresses => [qw{ }],
   # mail addresses for debugging
   debugDBA => [qw{}],
   oratabFile => '/etc/oratab',
   # or whatever the location of your oratab file is
   # it consists of the instance name, Oracle_Home and
   # a flag field of Y or N.  
   alarmTime => 300,
   # this is the number of seconds to wait before sending
   # a batch of error messages as email
   # this is batched to prevent large numbers of email
   maxLogLines => 100,
   # this is the override for alarmTime.  If maxLogLines
   # of messages are received, mail them now
   watchdogLength => 5,
   # this is the max size of the array used to 
   # determine if too much mail is being sent too fast
   watchdogTime => 10,
   # this is the elapsed number of seconds between email
   # batches that is used to determine if mail is being
   # sent too quickly
   # if the time between the first and last times in the 
   # watchdog buffer is < 
   #  ( watchdog[watchdogLength] - watchdog[0] ) 
   #  * ( watchdogLength * watchdogTime )
   # then the mail delivery is throttled back until things slow down
   throttleDelaySeconds => 10,
   # how many seconds to delay between email batches
   # when many errors are being generated
   # this is to protect the system from being choked
   # with procmail processes if you are using it
   # what is the name of this server?
   serverName => '', 
   # list of errors to check for
   # must be a comma separated list of regular expressions
   # e.g.  errorList = ^ORA-, ^TNS-, crash
   # the qw operator may also be used
   errorList => qw{^ORA- ^TNS- crash},

Here are the configuration file parameters:


Address list to which email is sent when errors are detected. Notice that the list is included inside paired square brackets, [], indicating an anonymous array reference (see Appendix A, for a description of anonymous arrays). The qw (quote word) Perl operator also avoids the need to use quote punctuation, which simplifies editing.


Has the same form as dbaAddresses, but consists of a list of addresses for use when debugging the application. You will only need one address for this entry.


An all-important directive that locates the crucial oratab file. We won't try to guess the location of this file, as it can differ widely on various Unix flavors. Simply insert the location of your own oratab file so can find the proper ORACLE_HOME for each target database.


Number of seconds you want to hold onto error messages before mailing them. Sometimes errors come in large grape-like bunches, so you may wish to avoid separate emails being sent out for each one (especially if the email destination happens to be your pager and it's 2:00 AM on Sunday morning). One piercing scream from a pager is enough to wake most of us. If you really do want to receive a separate email for each error, possibly because you own shares in the phone company, read on.


Maximum number of lines should buffer before mailing them out. This overrides alarmTime. At its default setting of 100, if 100 error messages appear in the alert log before alarmTime times out, this overrides the timer and causes the messages to be mailed immediately. The timer simply resets to 0 when this happens. To see error messages immediately, just set maxLogLines to a value of 1. An email is then sent the moment the monitor detects an error.

watchdogLength , watchdogTime, throttleDelaySeconds

These closely related parameters prevent from overwhelming a mail system in the event of a runaway error's flooding the alert log:

Whenever error messages are mailed out, the time is recorded in an array called @watchdog. The number of entries in @watchdog is controlled by the parameter watchdogLength. The parameter watchdogTime is the number of seconds and is used as a control to determine whether should slow down mail deliveries.

Whenever error messages get mailed, compares the current time with the oldest timestamp in @watchdog. If the difference in seconds between these is less than (watchdogLength * watchdogTime), inserts a sleep of throttleDelaySeconds between each mailing until the incoming error message rate slows down.

For example, if your database starts throwing errors into the alert log faster than a Tribble population can munch its way through a star cruiser shipment of Quadrotriticale,[2] this could send your mail server into a reproductive frenzy trying to keep up. The script tries to prevent that from happening. Let's assume these values are set as in Example 11-1, and that finds that the first batch of error messages got sent out less than 50 seconds ago and this is the fifth batch since then. A 10-second wait will be inserted between mailings, giving the mail server time to breathe.

[2] Star Trek, season 2, episode 15. See


Name of the database server. This name is used purely for informational purposes whenever error messages are emailed.


Allows us to specify exactly what we want to consider as an error. This is a list of regular expressions contained within either a comma-separated list or a list specified by Perl's qw operator. (See Appendix C, for more information.) Running

We're now ready to run to see how it works. Let's test it first, on a copy of an alert log in which we've generated our own error messages:

  1. Our test database is ts01, and we copy its alert log to /tmp:

    cp $ORACLE_HOME/admin/ts01/bdump/alert_ts01.log /tmp
  2. We can now start running against this test log copy:

    $ -debug -database ts01 -alertlog /tmp/alert_ts01.log  
    oratab: ts01:/u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7:Y
    ORACLE_HOME: /u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7
    DATABASE: ts01
    ALERT LOG: /tmp/alert_ts01.log
    DBA's    :
  3. In another shell, we add an error message onto the end of our test log:

    $ echo "ORA-20000: this is a chkalert test error" >> /tmp/alert_ts01.log

    The content of the message is unimportant, as long as it begins with ORA-. The output in the first window should now gain an extra line:

    $ -debug -database ts01 -alertlog /tmp/alert_ts01.log  
    oratab: ts01:/u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7:Y
    ORACLE_HOME: /u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7
    DATABASE: ts01
    ALERT LOG: /tmp/alert_ts01.log
    DBA's    :
    ORA-20000: this is a chkalert test error
  4. We've now confirmed that monitoring is properly configured, so let's ensure that the mailing works. Stop with a Ctrl-C, and then restart it with a new -sendmail switch added:

    $ -debug -sendmail -database ts01 \
        -alertlog /tmp/alert_ts01.log  
    oratab: ts01:/u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7:Y
    ORACLE_HOME: /u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7
    DATABASE: ts01
    ALERT LOG: /tmp/alert_ts01.log
    DBA's    :
  5. Add another fake error message to the end of the test alert log, and then sit back with your feet up, sipping a quick coffee. The default configuration waits five minutes before sending out the following Alarm Time message:

    ORA-20000: this is a chkalert test error
    Alarm Time: 2002/12/02 - 14:26
    SUBJ: ts01 Database - Alert Log Errors - 
    ORA-20000: this is a chkalert test error encountered  in ts01 at 2002/12/02 - 14:26
    sending email

    After says it's sent the email, check to see that we've actually received it. If not, you may need to verify that the mail server specified in $PDBA_HOME/pdba.conf is valid. (If necessary, see Chapter 9 for details on the mail server configuration.) Testing with a real alert log

This time we'll execute against a real alert log without the previous -debug option. This forces to run as a daemon process:

$ -sendmail -database ts01 \
     -alertlog $ORACLE_HOME/admin/ts01/bdump/alert_ts01.log
ALERT LOG: /u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/admin/ts01/bdump/alert_ts01.log
DBA's    :

We're set. If you've included your cell phone or pager number as one of the email addresses and if the database has a sudden problem at 2:00 AM, you'll get the call first so you can deal with it. You'll then be able to stroll casually into your office at 8:45 AM without anyone ever knowing there was a problem. No more angry mobs ambushing you in the car park, no more smirkers loafing round the coffee machine waiting for the DBA to fix the database, no more sudden surprises.[3]

[3] OK, so we're the first to agree that restful slumber's being broken is a long way from being good, but performance reviews where share options may go up, rather than down, should provide adequate compensation.

Just to maintain this blissful nirvana moment and help ensure that is always running, you might want to schedule it to start periodically via your system scheduler (often cron on Unix systems).

When starts, it creates a lock on a temporary baton file of the form /tmp/chkalert.$ORACLE_SID. Subsequent attempts to run on the same database will fail when the file lock operation is attempted. This is harmless, because merely exits when it's unable to lock the temporary baton file.

If you need to terminate the daemon, it's easily done via's own -kill option. When starts, it creates a temporary file containing its own process ID — sort of like an Apache .pid file. The -kill option tells to open that file, in read-only mode, and use its artificial intelligence, glowing red eyes, and liquid metal, to locate the PID of the running process. Once tracked down, the process is terminated.

The file containing the process ID is always named chkalert.<database>. On our Unix server for instance, the database is named ts01. When is started, a file named chkalert.ts01 is created. On Unix systems this file is created in the /tmp directory, and on Win32 servers it's created in C:\TEMP. The contents of this file are fairly simple:

$ cat /tmp/chkalert.ts01

The following is an example of stopping a currently running daemon. All of the command-line options are summarized in Table 11-1:

oramon > -database ts01 -kill
ALERT LOG: /u02/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/admin/ts01/bdump/alert_ts01.log
DBA's    :
chkalert process 3790 killed

Table 11-1. Command-line options —




Full path to the database alert log file


ORACLE_SID of database to check


Runs in console mode and prints debugging messages


Used with -database option to stop the daemon


Error messages mailed to DBA addresses in configuration file

11.1.4 Installing and Configuring for Win32

So far, we've been focusing on how to do alert monitoring on Unix systems. The methods for handling background processes differ significantly for Win32, and as we mentioned, there is a separate script for Win32. That script,, was installed along with the rest of the toolkit. This script is dependent on the Win32::Daemon Perl module, also installed in Chapter 9, which allows to run as a service. These are the main configuration steps. Note that in many cases, the installation is the same for Unix and Win32, so we'll refer to the earlier Unix discussion where appropriate:

  1. When the PDBA Toolkit was installed, a number of configuration files were installed along with it in a temporary location. Copy the chkalert_NT.conf file from this temporary location to the PDBA_HOME directory. As in Chapter 9, we'll assume that Perl is installed on your C: drive and that PDBA_HOME is set to C:\PDBA. You'll need to alter the following command appropriately if your installation is different:

    C:> copy C:\Perl\site\lib\PDBA\conf\chkalert_NT.conf C:\pdba
  2. Now edit[4] PDBA_HOME\chkalert_NT.conf and set the required parameter values, as discussed earlier for Unix configuration (see the parameters in Example 11-1, such as dbaAddresses and serverName). Example 11-2 is an example of how this file will appear with comment lines removed.

    [4] Both authors of this book are Bruce-Willis-style die-hard vi fanatics. We won't give it up. We used gvim, the windowing version of vim, an improved version of the vi text editor, for much of the code editing in this book. It's available at

  3. We recommend that you leave the default values of alarmTime, maxLogLines, watchdogLength, watchdogTime, and throttleDelaySeconds. Changing the watchdog values currently has no effect on Win32 platforms. They have been retained for future use when the alarm( ) call may be available in Perl on Win32. In the meantime, the watchdog functionality found in on Unix systems is not available in

  4. Because alarm( ) is unavailable, keep the default alarmTime parameter.

  5. You must also leave maxLogLines set to 1 on Win32; the timeout method for periodic mailing of error messages is not available on Win32.

    Example 11-2. Editing chkalert_NT.conf on Win32 platforms
    package chkalert;
      maxLogLines => 1,
      watchdogLength => 5,
      watchdogTime => 10,
      throttleDelaySeconds => 10,
      serverName => '', 
      errorList => qw{^ORA- ^TNS- crash},
  6. To install the service, navigate to the install directory:

    C:> cd C:\perl\site\lib\pdba\util
  7. Now run the utility. The following command assumes that our database server is Oracle 8.1.x on Drive D: and that the target database is ts20. Your mileage may vary. (The following command must be entered on one line; we've split it only for formatting purposes):

    C:> -install -database ts20 -alertlog \   
  8. If you need to remove the service, replace -install with -remove:

    C:> -remove -database ts20 -alertlog \

    Table 11-2 summarizes the command-line options for

Table 11-2. Command-line options —




Installs the alert log monitor service


Removes the alert log monitor service


Supplies the SID of the database


Provides the full path to the alert log Starting the service

Now that has been installed, we fire up the Win32 Service Manager to start the service. You can navigate to this tool with one of the following sets of keystrokes. (Note that Service Manager works much the same on the two platforms.)

Windows NT

Start figs/U2192.gif Settings figs/U2192.gif Control Panel, click Services

Windows 2000

Start figs/U2192.gif Settings figs/U2192.gif Control Panel, click Administrative Tools, click Services

Figure 11-1 is an example of what you should see in Service Manager after successfully installing The new service appears as Oracle_ts20_AlertLogMon. Simply click on the Start button, and your alert log monitor should be off and running. (If this install fails to go smoothly the first time around, check Chapter 9 for all the modules required by

Figure 11-1. The new Oracle_ts20_AlertLogMon service

If the install should have the temerity to run imperfectly first time out, you may see a screen like that shown in Figure 11-2. You will need to go to the command line to try to sort it out. Check to see if Perl can compile the script:

C:> perl -cw c:\perl\bin\

You can see the results of that in the following:

Can't locate Win32/ in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl/lib
C:/Perl/site/lib .) at c:\perl\bin\ line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at c:\perl\bin\ line 10.

It appears that we missed installing the Win32::Daemon module. Should something like this happen, go back and review the installation instructions in Chapter 9 to make sure that all the required elements were installed.

Figure 11-2. Oracle_ts20_AlertLogMon service failure

After re-installing Win32::Daemon to its former glory (we kept removing it in our test runs), the compile was successful, producing this output:

c:\perl\bin\ syntax OK

If you continue to experience difficulties in running the service, make sure that the fully qualified file name, specified for the alert log during installation, is correct. If it is incorrect, it won't cause an error until you attempt to restart the service. Testing Oracle_SID_AlertLogMon

Now that we have the Oracle_SID_AlertLogMon service running, we can verify that it's working as expected. Carry out this test only while a test database is down, as we need to directly edit its alert log.

  1. Use your favorite text editor to edit the database's alert log:

    C:> vi c:\oracle\admin\ts20\bdump\ts20alrt.log  # Just say vi! :-)
  2. Navigate to the last line of the file. We've displayed a fragment of our own alert log seen here. The last line begins with ORA-20000. Add a similar line at the end of your own alert log.

       Current log# 3 seq# 918 mem# 0: D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TS20\REDO03.LOG
    Successful open of redo thread 1.
    Tue Aug 21 21:45:02 2001S
    MON: enabling cache recovery
    Tue Aug 21 21:45:02 2001
    ARC0: Beginning to archive log# 2 seq# 917
    ARC0: Completed archiving log# 2 seq# 917
    Tue Aug 21 21:45:07 2001
    SMON: enabling tx recovery
    Tue Aug 21 21:46:28 2001
    Completed: alter database open
    ORA-20000: chkalert test error
  3. Enter a RETURN at the end of the line, and then save the file.

  4. When was installed earlier, the logging feature was turned on. To access this log, we navigate to the C:\temp directory in Explorer.

  5. Sort the entries by date so the newest files appear at the top of the window. You just need to click twice on the Modified column in the file detail pane. (Note that this is not a double-click. The first click will sort the files by date in ascending order, and the second click will sort by date in descending order.) Your display should be similar to that shown in Figure 11-3.

    Figure 11-3. Locating the log file
  6. The logging files are created with the process ID embedded in them. If we start and stop the alert checking service a few times, we'll therefore see several files of the form chkalert_daemon_PID.log. Choose the newest one, and open it with your favorite editor. Here's ours; notice that the ORA-20000 error appears in the middle of the file.

    Waiting for service...Service started, ready to change stateService state changed 
    Options loaded from command line
    DATABASE: ts20
    ALERT LOG: d:\oracle\admin\ts20\bdump\ts20alrt.log
    DBA's    :
    Top of main loop
    Top of main loop
    Top of main loop
    Error: ORA-20000: chkalert test error
    Top of MailMsgs
    Mail To:
    Mail Subject: Alert Log Errors in ts20 on
    Mail Message: 
    ORA-20000: chkalert test error encountered  in ts20 at 2001/12/03 - 20:47
    Top of main loop
    Top of main loop
    Top of main loop
    Stopping Service
    exiting - files cleaned up
  7. The log file should prove two things:

    • The fake error was detected.

    • The fake error was mailed to the configured email addresses.

  8. That's it. We're done installing and verifying Now we can go back to the Services Manager application and stop the Oracle_PID_AlertLogMon service. We should also remove the fake error message from the alert log. Once this is done, restart the database and then restart the Oracle_PID_AlertLogMon service.

The command-line options for are listed in Table 11-3; note that they differ somewhat from the earlier Unix list. If you want to change any of these, you will need to remove the alert checking service, modify and then reinstall the service.

Table 11-3. Command-line options —




Full path to the database alert log file


ORACLE_SID of the database to check


Indicates debugging messages to be included in log file


Turns on the logging feature


Error messages mailed to the configured DBA addresses

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