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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

<b> tags  2nd 
background  [See also transparent GIFs]
    colors  2nd  3rd 
        in tables  2nd 
    images  2nd  3rd 
        behind specific elements 
        placement of 
        in tables  2nd 
        tiling whole background 
    layers  [See layers]
    style properties for 
background-attachment property  2nd 
background-color property  2nd 
background-image property  2nd 
background attribute
    <body>  2nd 
    <th> and <td> 
background property  2nd 
background-position property  2nd 
background-repeat property  2nd 
backslash (\\\\), CSS2 escape characters and 
<base> tags  2nd  3rd 
base URLs  2nd 
<basefont> tags 
baseline descriptor 
baseline value  2nd  [See also alignment]
bbox descriptor 
<bdo> tags 
\:before pseudoelement  2nd 
behavior attribute (<marquee>) 
"being visited" link state 
below attribute (<layer>) 
bgcolor attribute
    <body>  2nd 
    <th> and <td> 
bgproperties attribute (<body>) 
<bgsound> tags 
bibliographic citations 
<big> tags 
binary files 
blank lines  [See paragraphs]
_blank target  2nd  3rd 
blind carbon copy (bcc) field, mail messages 
<blink> tags 
blinking text  2nd 
block items 
block quotes 
    <q> tags 
    <blockquote> tags 
blocks of whitespace 
body content  2nd 
    margins for 
<body> tags  2nd  3rd 
    color extensions 
boilerplate HTML documents 
    uses of <ins> and <del> tags in 
boldface text  2nd 
border attribute
    <input type=image> 
    <table>  2nd 
border property 
border-bottom-width property 
border-color property  2nd 
border-left-width property 
border-right-width property 
border-style property  2nd 
border-top-width property 
border-width property  2nd 
border-collapse property 
border-spacing property 
bordercolor attribute
    <th> and <td> 
bordercolorlight, bordercolordark attributes
    <th> and <td> 
borders  [See also margins]
    frame  2nd 
    image buttons (forms) 
    images  2nd 
    style properties for 
        shorthand properties for complex 
    tables  2nd  3rd 
bottom value  [See also alignment]2nd  3rd 
boundary string 
box style properties 
<br> tags  2nd  [See also line breaks]3rd  4th 
    vertical <spacer> vs. 
braille value (style media) 
browser extensions, XHTML Version 1.1 and 
browsers  [See web browsers]
buffer space  [See margins]
bugs, <img> height/width attributes 
bulleted (unordered) lists 
    bullet shape 
    list marker style properties 
<button> tags 
    nesting restrictions 
    form action buttons 
    mouse  [See event attributes JavaScript language]
    radio buttons 

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