About 80% of children receive childcare outside the home before they start school. Many children aged 5 to 12 also receive care outside the home before or after school. Sources of care include relatives, neighbors, licensed and unlicensed private homes, and childcare centers. Care can also be provided in the home by a relative or nanny. Childcare centers can be licensed, accredited, or both. Accreditation usually requires that the center meet higher standards than those required for licensing.
Care outside of the home varies in quality; while some is excellent, some is poor. Care outside of the home can also have benefits. Children whose parents--particularly single parents--are not able to spend much time interacting with them can benefit from the social and academic stimulation of quality childcare.
Early exposure to music, books, art, and language stimulates a child's intellectual and creative development. Group play stimulates social development. Outdoor and occasional vigorous play help dissipate pent-up physical energy and stimulate muscle development. Opportunities to initiate their own activities help children develop independence. Nutritious meals or snacks should be available every few hours. Television and videos contribute little to the child's development and are best avoided. If they are used, the content should be age-appropriate and supervised by an adult.