"Oat seeds can help poor sex caused by nervous exhaustion."
BISER: I heard oats can help for sex in men.
SCHULZE: This is true. For men and women, it's a nerve stimulant.
It's a classic nerve stimulant. It gets you excited. It excites your nerves and that, of course, excites you. You give too much oats to a horse and they kick their feet through the walls of the stall. They say, "That horse is feeling his oats."
The nerve stimulants do come into play if a person is, we'll say, having sexual dysfunction due to nervous exhaustion. Then, the nerve stimulants can be very effective, especially oat seed in its green milky stage, which can be found in late spring. You press the seed with your fingers and a milky substance comes out of it. That's when it's ready.
Caffeine is also a nerve stimulant which is found in many herbs. But you have to be careful - because a lot of people are overstimulated.
Someone who is drinking 10 or 12 cups of coffee a day; it isn't going to do a damn thing for them, and that's half of America. So their nervous system is whipped, beaten, and shot - and stimulating their nervous system isn't going to give them the results.
But, ginseng works, because it's not only a stimulant, it's nutritional. For one thing, it contains germanium.
When people did research, they found that a lot of the herbs that contained germanium were the most prized. Two of the highest herbs in germanium are garlic and ginseng. It's interesting that they are also both good sexual stimulants.
BISER: And they don't have the toxicity of a germanium tablet?
SCHULZE: Not at all. We are talking about it in it's purest organic form.
BISER: I've taken garlic, and I've talked to people who have taken garlic and nobody ever mentioned sexual stimulation. Is it slow acting?
SCHULZE: I would say that the best results are attained over about a three-month period, like a season, but people can have fast results, also.
Ginseng and garlic are both long-term builders.
We are talking about using tonic doses of these herbs for two, three, four months and then you see the big change. A person has to be consistent with it
I don't necessarily put garlic in any formula. I just tell people, "You need to become a garlic eater. Just start adding a lot more garlic in your diet, three to six big cloves a day."
Different sexual stimulants for different ties. :
BISER: I have a feeling that different people might need different herbs to get sexually stimulated. A person who was lethargic might take a nerve stimulant an hour before, and it will give them a pickup and they will have better sex. Someone else, who is keyed-up, might need the opposite to calm down and perform.
SCHULZE: That's right. And somebody who's all keyed up most of the time might take a calming herb like valerian, or hops, and they calm down, they feel stronger.
I've read numerous studies where they have tried to find out what type of stimulation or sedation causes better sex and they haven't been able to come up with one - because it's different for different people. Because some people, when you give them a little bit of a sedative, they are hornier. Other people,you give them a stimulant and they are hornier, too.
BISER: When my wife has a cup of coffee, just one cup, she feels a lot better in the morning. She looks brighter, but it makes me worse
SCHULZE: It kills me, too. You and I are both Aries, we've both fiery types and the Chinese would give us a constitutional type like a hot type, where we tend to overheat. So for us, too much cayenne, too much garlic, too much ginger, or other heating herbs will just wipe us out.
BISER: The thing that works best for me is beer not because I like the taste, I don't, but because it calms me down.
SCHULZE: In Europe, they think beer is a healer.
BISER: But that's not American junk beer?
SCHULZE: No, no. If you get the good stuff, it's probably better for you than most anything anybody would drink.
BISER: Richard, in beer, you've got all kinds of B vitamins and minerals in an alcohol base, which is a tincture.
SCHULZE: Absolutely. Of course, the Europeans are big believers in live yeast. We've talked about that. So, in a lot of beers, you are getting a good live-yeast product.
When I stay in Amsterdam, it comes right out in kegs. They bring it in a horse-drawn cart. They tap into the barrel and you get live yeast beer. A lot of the stouts are that way, too.
But you and your wife have a completely different chemistry. Because, see, she had a bowel that was sleepy and didn't work, whereas you have the bowel that wants to overwork. It's just a very different constitution. So when there is a different constitution, a person may have to test and find out which sexual herb works better for them.
That's one reason people sometimes need to try separate herbs for sexuality, instead of a formula.
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