"Wild ginseng is graded on its ability to produce erections."
BISER: What herbs are best for exciting men and waking them up?
SCHULZE: One of the herbs I found to be extremely effective is Panax quinquefolium - American wild ginseng. What men experience from using ginseng is a lot of erections. And especially with good quality panax ginseng. That's the problem today, is that it's hard to get a hold of good quality ginseng root.
BISER: . . .so what the men are taking is not good ginseng?
SCHULZE: No, in fact, we've talked about the ginseng adulteration, and even if the ginseng isn't adulterated, the majority of the ginseng products and ginseng root available today is cultivated. And the cultivated is much weaker. The cultivated ginseng is not...
BISER: ... doesn't have a vitality in it.
SCHULZE: ...doesn't have it. Wild American ginseng is very good, or any real wild ginseng, noncultivated root is what you need. It is proven with myself personally, and many patients, to be a very good sexual stimulant because it's a great strengthener. Of course, there are a lot of things about ginseng that we do not know or understand or haven't analyzed to date. But it's a prized herb throughout the world.
BISER: How much does the good stuff cost?
SCHULZE: It depends on the quality that you are getting, but the highest I've seen was at $4,800 per pound retail.
BISER: And the junk like they tried to sell the public?
SCHULZE: You can get junk ginseng, like broken pieces of cultivated roots, for $3 and $4 a pound.
BISER: That's isn't going to produce erections?
SCHULZE: No, it isn't. It's just not going to work. So you have to have a great quality of ginseng. and since it's one of the most demanded herbs around the whole planet, it's hard to get the good stuff. We'll talk more about that later.
Ginseng is one of the main things I put in my male formula. It's the largest proportioned herb, it's 25% of the formula I will give to your readers. Yes, I've used it myself. That's how I got myself into erection trouble.
I made some ginseng tincture, and I thought, this is just rich, it is so good, so I poured myself an ounce bottle and I set it on the kitchen cupboard. I can still remember this! I woke up in the morning, took a couple of dropperfuls, did a couple of dropperfuls for about the next two or three hours and the next thing...
I went over to the counter - this is graphic - to get the bottle and kind of rested my groin against the edge of the counter, and just by resting against the counter, I got an erection. And I thought, "Well, this is interesting, you know, my body wants to have sex with a kitchen counter." And, that was great, except that erection didn't go away for about the next five hours, which I hadn't experienced since I was thirteen years old, to be quite honest.
When I was thirteen, I remember the bell would ring to go to another class and I would have to hold my notebook over my crotch because I just had a constant boner. And it didn't go away for about five hours and I was just sitting at my desk writing latin names of verbs with an erection.
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