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[DIR]Parent Directory -
[   ]Sex with Children by Talmud Rules (A+++++).mht597K
[DOC]'SATAN' on the cover of Rabbi's Talmud book.docx496K
[DOC]THE TRUTH ABOUT KHAZARS - Benjamin H. Freedman ++++++.doc271K
[IMG]Sex with children.jpg270K
[TXT]Judaism's holiest book Unmasked ++++++.htm175K
[DOC]THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TALMUD - highlighted ++++++.doc149K
[TXT]Jewish Talmudic Quotes--Facts Are Facts - Acharya S +++++.htm 35K
[DOC]Talmudic quotes.doc 32K
[TXT]Was The Talmud Behind NBC's 'Book Of Daniel'- Rev.Ted Pike.htm 28K
[DOC]Come-and-Hear.com Flyer.doc 25K
[TXT]2003 02 20 - Extremists Use The Talmud to Promote Anti-Semitism - ADL Press Release refutes claims (A+++).htm 21K
[TXT]The Talmud - Judaism's holiest book Unmasked Jewish Power.htm 20K
[IMG]Jew with Talmud.jpg 19K
[TXT]What the Talmud Really Says About Jesus - Newly published book.htm 17K
[TXT]Jewish Racism towards Non-Jews as expressed in the Talmud +++++.htm 13K
[DOC]Some Talmud Quotes.docx 13K
[TXT]One axiom of the Talmud non Jews may wish to adopt - John Kaminski ++++++.htm 12K
[TXT]America Is Becoming Talmudized.txt1.2K
[   ]Dalman, Rev. Dr. Gustav, 1893 - Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash & Zohar.lnk1.1K
[   ]Pranaitis, Rev. I. B., 1892 - BABYLONION TALMUD UNMASKED.lnk855
[TXT]Babylonian Talmud Is The Original Talmud (A+++).txt453
[   ]Desktop.ini 78