A Popular American cartoon show, South Park, which is no stranger to controversy, recently censored a show because they received death threats from a Muslim group.
The right wing media jumped at the chance to further demonise Muslims by highlighting the story as much as possible, but what they failed to tell you is that the Radical Muslim group that made the threats was apparently founded and run by Joseph Cohen, a former Israeli Radical who use to live in a settlement in the West Bank. Joseph Cohen (aka Yousef al-Khattab) apparently:
“Grew up in a Jewish neighborhood in New York and attending a orthodox rabbinical school in Israel, Joseph Cohen went to live in a settlement in the West Bank to help steal Palestinian land from Palestinians. His story is that he “converted” to Islam after meeting someone in a chat room.”
This is not the first time people have masqueraded as Muslims to demonise them and it probably won’t be the last. What is criminal is how the media lap up the story without checking facts and then failing to apologise. One only has to look at the media attention thrown at Al Muhajiroon and the recent Glen Jenvey/Sun saga.