I am going to join the organization when I am able, I am still 16 and my parents will not give me permission. I speak out against the Jews and other sub-humans to everyone I meet. I am involved in politics. Thank you for your advice.
88 Bryan Cash
--- On Sat, 9/27/08, William Herring <nsmfargo@hotmail.com> wrote:
From: William Herring <nsmfargo@hotmail.com> Subject: Your email To: lottobs@yahoo.com Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 12:06 PM
The only way to effectively fight the Jewish plague is to beat them at their own game. Education is the key. Educate yourself and become active in state and national politics. Stand up, speak out, and be seen by your countrymen. Have you considered joining our organization? We are always looking for sincere and dedicated white patriots to stand with us.
Respectfully, SS Mann W. Herring NSM Staff Corps
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