Mr. Herring, I recently officially joined NSM, apparently anyways, haha. I sent in my lifetime membership application about three weeks ago. My initial payment of $300 has been taken out of my account, but i have not received an email or any letter mail confirming my formal admission or anything of the sort. I would appreciate anything that could be sent to me or something that needs to be done or worked on. I would also like some sort of paper or really anything that would confirm my admission into NSM. I'm not sure if the movement has anything of the sort, but if it doesn't maybe its something that could be worked on. I don't have too much time on my hands while i am deployed, but the free time that I do have, I would prefer to devote to the movement. Give me something to do! haha. If you are the wrong person to be contactiong about this please accept my apology and point me in the right direction. Your friend, Kyle R. Wrobel kyle wrobel Dco 1-87 INF FOB WARRIOR APO AE 09338 Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give. Learn more. |