mr. herring, i have printed out a copy of the lifetime and general membership applications. i have a few questions, however: 1. Do I fill out both of them, or just the lifetime application? 2. I want to be active, and do all that I can including while I am deployed. What can I actively do NOW? Also, which branch should I chose? I know its up to me to decide, but what are the differences? 3. Due to the fact that I am currently deployed to Iraq, how can I get you a passport picture? Would it be ok for me to photo copy my military ID? 4. If I do lifetime membership, do I still pay the $20 app fee? I put my credit card info and what not on the lifetime membership application already, so will that suffice? 5. How long after i send my application should I expect a reply? I am not coming home until December, and there is no way that I can wait until then to become involved. I have plenty of time and want to start NOW. Thank you for your time, kyle r wrobel Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give. Learn more. |