when it's hatter's hares, mon, for me, to advance you something | 1 |
like four and sevenpence between hopping and trapping which | 2 |
you might just as well have, boy baches, to buy J. J. and S. with. | 3 |
There was a minute silence before memory's fire's rekindling and | 4 |
then. Heart alive! Which at very first wind of gay gay and whisk- | 5 |
wigs wick's ears pricked up, the starving gunman, strike him | 6 |
pink, became strangely calm and forthright sware by all his lards | 7 |
porsenal that the thorntree of sheol might ramify up his Sheo- | 8 |
fon to the lux apointlex but he would go good to him suntime | 9 |
marx my word fort, for a chip off the old Flint, (in the Nichtian | 10 |
glossery which purveys aprioric roots for aposteriorious tongues | 11 |
this is nat language at any sinse of the world and one might as | 12 |
fairly go and kish his sprogues as fail to certify whether the | 13 |
wartrophy eluded at some lives earlier was that somethink like a | 14 |
jug, to what, a coctable) and remarxing in languidoily, seemingly | 15 |
much more highly pleased than tongue could tell at this opening | 16 |
of a lifetime and the foretaste of the Dun Bank pearlmothers | 17 |
and the boy to wash down which he would feed to himself in | 18 |
the Ruadh Cow at Tallaght and then into the Good Woman at | 19 |
Ringsend and after her inat Conway's Inn at Blackrock and, first | 20 |
to fall, cursed be all, where appetite would keenest be, atte, | 21 |
funeral fare or fun fain real, Adam and Eve's in Quantity Street | 22 |
by the grace of gamy queen Tailte, her will and testament: You | 23 |
stunning little southdowner! I'd know you anywhere, Declaney, | 24 |
let me truthfully tell you in or out of the lexinction of life and | 25 |
who the hell else, be your blanche patch on the boney part! | 26 |
Goalball I've struck this daylit dielate night of nights, by golly! | 27 |
My hat, you have some bully German grit, sundowner! He | 28 |
spud in his faust (axin); he toped the raw best (pardun); he | 29 |
poked his pick (a tip is a tap): and he tucked his friend's leave.And, | 30 |
with French hen or the portlifowlium of hastes and leisures, about | 31 |
to continue that,the queer mixture exchanged the pax in embrace | 32 |
or poghue puxy as practised between brothers of the same breast, | 33 |
hillelulia, killelulia, allenalaw, and, having ratified before the | 34 |
god of the day their torgantruce which belittlers have schmall- | 35 |
kalled the treatyng to cognac, turning his fez menialstrait in the | 36 |