to one and oppositely from the other on its law of capture and | 1 |
recapture), under the All In rules around the booksafe, fighting | 2 |
like purple top and tipperuhry Swede, (Secremented Servious of | 3 |
the Divine Zeal!) and in the course of their tussle the toller man, | 4 |
who had opened his bully bowl to beg, said to the miner who | 5 |
was carrying the worm (a handy term for the portable distillery | 6 |
which consisted of three vats, two jars and several bottles though | 7 |
we purposely say nothing of the stiff, both parties having an | 8 |
interest in the spirits): Let me go, Pautheen! I hardly knew ye. | 9 |
Later on, after the solstitial pause for refleshmeant, the same | 10 |
man (or a different and younger him of the same ham) asked in | 11 |
the vermicular with a very oggly chew-chin-grin: Was six vic- | 12 |
tolios fifteen pigeon takee offa you, tell he me, stlongfella, by | 13 |
picky-pocky ten to foul months behindaside? There were some | 14 |
further collidabanter and severe tries to convert for the best part | 15 |
of an hour and now a woden affair in the shape of a webley (we | 16 |
at once recognise our old friend Ned of so many illortemporate | 17 |
letters) fell from the intruser who, as stuck as that cat to that | 18 |
mouse in that tube of that christchurch organ, (did the imnage of | 19 |
Girl Cloud Pensive flout above them light young charm, in | 20 |
ribbons and pigtail?) whereupon became friendly and, saying not | 21 |
his shirt to tear, to know wanted, joking and knobkerries, all | 22 |
aside laying, if his change companion who stuck still to the in- | 23 |
vention of his strongbox, with a tenacity corrobberating their | 24 |
mutual tenitorial rights, happened to have the loots change of | 25 |
a tenpound crickler about him at the moment, addling that hap | 26 |
so, he would pay him back the six vics odd, do you see, out of | 27 |
that for what was taken on the man of samples last Yuni or Yuly, | 28 |
do you follow me, Capn? To this the other, Billi with the Boule, | 29 |
who had mummed and mauled up to that (for he was hesitency | 30 |
carried to excelcism) rather amusedly replied: Woowoo would | 31 |
you be grossly surprised, Hill, to learn that, as it so happens, I | 32 |
honestly have not such a thing as the loo, as the least chance of | 33 |
a tinpanned crackler anywhere about me at the present moho- | 34 |
moment but I believe I can see my way, as you suggest, it | 35 |
being Yuletide or Yuddanfest and as it's mad nuts, son, for you | 36 |