| 1 |
heckling what business is that of yours, yu bullock? | 2 |
    | 3 |
    | 4 |
once more. There are sordidly tales within tales, you clearly | 5 |
understand that? Now my other point. Did you know, whether | 6 |
by melanodactylism or purely libationally, that one of these two | 7 |
Crimeans with the fender, the taller man, was accused of a cer- | 8 |
tain offence or of a choice of two serious charges, as skirts were | 9 |
divided on the subject, if you like it better that way? You did, | 10 |
you rogue, you? | 11 |
    | 12 |
eyes, don't forget. Hah! | 13 |
    | 14 |
choice, if you had your way? Playing bull before shebears or the | 15 |
hindlegs off a clotheshorse? Did any orangepeelers or green- | 16 |
goaters appear periodically up your sylvan family tree? | 17 |
    | 18 |
silver you want for a nass-and-pair. Hah! | 19 |
    | 20 |
to do thah, you know, snapograph. | 21 |
    | 22 |
Hahah! | 23 |
    | 24 |
    | 25 |
say it aloud, sir. I have something inside of me talking to myself. | 26 |
    | 27 |
laughing matter. Do you think we are tonedeafs in our noses to | 28 |
boot? Can you not distinguish the sense, prain, from the sound, | 29 |
bray? You have homosexual catheis of empathy between narcis- | 30 |
sism of the expert and steatopygic invertedness. Get yourself | 31 |
psychoanolised! | 32 |
    | 33 |
broons quadroons and I can psoakoonaloose myself any time I | 34 |
want (the fog follow you all!) without your interferences or any | 35 |
other pigeonstealer. | 36 |