ponnippers! Halt there sob story to your lambdad's tale! Are | 1 |
you roman cawthrick 432? | 2 |
    | 3 |
    Triple my tryst. | 4 |
    Tandem my sire. | 5 |
    | 6 |
of. Tantris, hattrick, tryst and parting, by vowelglide! I feel | 7 |
your thrilljoy mouths overtspeaking, O dragoman, hands under- | 8 |
studium. Plunger words what paddle verbed. Mere man's mime: | 9 |
God has jest. The old order changeth and lasts like the first. | 10 |
Every third man has a chink in his conscience and every other | 11 |
woman has a jape in her mind. Now, fix on the little fellow in my | 12 |
eye, Minucius Mandrake, and follow my little psychosinology, | 13 |
poor armer in slingslang. Now I, the lord of Tuttu, am placing | 14 |
that inital T square of burial jade upright to your temple a | 15 |
moment. Do you see anything, templar? | 16 |
    | 17 |
his brainpan . . . a cathedral of lovejelly for his . . . Tiens, how | 18 |
he is like somebodies! | 19 |
    | 20 |
ear? I horizont the same, this serpe with ramshead, and lay it | 21 |
lightly to your lip a little. What do you feel, liplove? | 22 |
    | 23 |
isisglass . . . with gold hair to the bed . . . and white arms to the | 24 |
twinklers . . . O la la! | 25 |
    | 26 |
essaying! Trothed today, trenned tomorrow. I invert the initial | 27 |
of your tripartite and sign it sternly, and adze to girdle. on your | 28 |
breast. What do you hear, breastplate? | 29 |
    | 30 |
pool of bran. | 31 |
    | 32 |
passes. Out of a hillside into a hillside. Fairshee fading. Again | 33 |
am I deliciated by the picaresqueness of your irmages. Now, | 34 |
the oneir urge iterimpellant, I feel called upon to ask did it | 35 |
ever occur to you, qua you, prior to this, by a stretch of | 36 |