Sagart can self laud nilobstant to Lowman Catlick's patrician | 1 |
morning coat of arms with my High tripenniferry cresta and | 2 |
caudal mottams: Itch dean: which Gaspey, Otto and Sauer, he | 3 |
renders: echo stay so! Addressing eat or not eat body Yours | 4 |
am. And, Mind, praisegad, is the first praisonal Egoname Yod | 5 |
heard boissboissy in Moy Bog's domesday. Hastan the vista! Or | 6 |
in alleman: Suck at! | 7 |
    | 8 |
asking to luckat your sore toe or to taste your gaspy, hot and | 9 |
sour! Ichthyan! Hegvat tosser! Gags be plebsed! Between his | 10 |
voyous and her consinnantes! Thugg, Dirke and Hacker with | 11 |
Rose Lankester and Blanche Yorke! Are we speachin d'anglas | 12 |
landadge or are you sprakin sea Djoytsch? Oy soy, Bleseyblasey, | 13 |
where to go is knowing remain? Become quantity that discourse | 14 |
bothersome when what do? Knowing remain? Come back, baddy | 15 |
wrily, to Bullydamestough! Cum him, buddy rowly, with me! | 16 |
What about your thruppenny croucher of an old fellow, me boy, | 17 |
through the ages, tell us, eh? What about Brian's the Vauntand- | 18 |
onlieme, Master Monk, eh, eh, Spira in Me Domino, spear me | 19 |
Doyne! Fat prize the bonafide peachumpidgeonlover, eh, eh, | 20 |
eh, esquire earwugs, escusado, of Jenkins' Area, with his I've Ivy | 21 |
under his tangue and the hohallo to his dullaphone, before there | 22 |
was a sound in the world? How big was his boost friend and be | 23 |
shanghaied to him? The swaaber! The twicer, trifoaled in Wan- | 24 |
stable! Loud's curse to him! If you hored him outerly as we | 25 |
harum lubberintly, from morning rice till nightmale, with his | 26 |
drums and bones and hums in drones your innereer'd heerdly | 27 |
heer he. Ho ha hi he hung! Tsing tsing! | 28 |
    | 29 |
Mistel Lu, please! Me no pigey ludiments all same numpa one | 30 |
Topside Tellmastoly fella. Me pigey savvy a singasong anothel | 31 |
time. Pleasie, Mista Lukie Walkie! Josadam cowbelly maam | 32 |
belongame shepullamealahmalong, begolla, Jackinaboss belonga- | 33 |
she; plentymuch boohoomeo. | 34 |
    | 35 |
Thot's never the postal cleric, checking chinchin chat with nip- | 36 |