cup of scald! You could trot a mouse on it. I ingoyed your pick | 1 |
of hissing hot luncheon fine, I did, thanks awfully, (sublime!) | 2 |
Tenderest bully ever I ate with the boiled protestants (allinoilia | 3 |
allinoilia!) only for your peas again was a taste of tooth psalty to | 4 |
carry flavour with my godown and hereby return with my best | 5 |
savioury condiments and a penny in the plate for the jemes. | 6 |
O.K. Oh Kosmos! Ah Ireland! A.I. And for kailkannonkabbis | 7 |
gimme Cincinnatis with Italian (but ci vuol poco!) ciccalick cheese, | 8 |
Haggis good, haggis strong, haggis never say die! For quid we | 9 |
have recipimus, recipe, O lout! And save that, Oliviero, for thy | 10 |
sunny day! Soupmeagre! Couldn't look at it! But if you'll buy me | 11 |
yon coat of the vairy furry best, I'll try and pullll it awn mee. It's in | 12 |
fairly good order and no doubt 'twill sarve to turn. Remove this | 13 |
boardcloth! Next stage, tell the tabler, for a variety of Hugue- | 14 |
not ligooms I'll try my set on edges grapeling an aigrydoucks, | 15 |
grilled over birchenrods, with a few bloomancowls in albies. | 16 |
I want to get outside monasticism. Mass and meat mar no man's | 17 |
journey. Eat a missal lest. Nuts for the nerves, a flitch for the flue | 18 |
and for to rejoice the chambers of the heart the spirits of the | 19 |
spice isles, curry and cinnamon, chutney and cloves. All the vital- | 20 |
mines is beginning to sozzle in chewn and the hormonies to | 21 |
clingleclangle, fudgem, kates and eaps and naboc and erics and | 22 |
oinnos on kingclud and xoxxoxo and xooxox xxoxoxxoxxx till | 23 |
I'm fustfed like fungstif and very presently from now posthaste | 24 |
it's off yourll see me ryuoll on my usual rounds again to draw | 25 |
Terminus Lower and Killadown and Letternoosh, Letterspeak, | 26 |
Lettermuck to Littorananima and the roomiest house even in | 27 |
Ireland, if you can understamp that, and my next item's platform | 28 |
it's how I'll try and collect my extraprofessional postages owing | 29 |
to me by Thaddeus Kellyesque Squire, dr, for nondesirable | 30 |
printed matter. The Jooks and the Kelly-Cooks have been | 31 |
milking turnkeys and sucking the blood out of the marshalsea | 32 |
since the act of First Offenders. But I know what I'll do. Great | 33 |
pains off him I'll take and that'll be your redletterday calendar, | 34 |
window machree! I'll knock it out of him! I'll stump it out of | 35 |
him! I'll rattattatter it out of him before I'll quit the doorstep of | 36 |