likes. When the gong goes for hornets-two-nest marriage step | 1 |
into your harness and strip off that nullity suit. Faminy, hold | 2 |
back! For the race is to the rashest of, the romping, jomping | 3 |
rushes of. Haul Seton's down, black, green and grey, and hoist | 4 |
Mikealy's whey and sawdust. What's overdressed if underclothed? | 5 |
Poposht forstake me knot where there's white lets ope. Whisht! | 6 |
Blesht she that walked with good Jook Humprey for he made | 7 |
her happytight. Go! You can down all the dripping you can | 8 |
dumple to, and buffkid scouse too ad libidinum, in these lassi- | 9 |
tudes if you've parents and things to look after. That was what | 10 |
stuck to the Comtesse Cantilene while she was sticking out Mavis | 11 |
Toffeelips to feed her soprannated huspals, and it is henceforth | 12 |
associated with her names. La Dreeping! Die Droopink! The | 13 |
inimitable in puresuet of the inevitable! There's nothing to touch | 14 |
it, we are taucht, unless she'd care for a mouthpull of white pud- | 15 |
ding for the wish is on her rose marine and the lunchlight in her | 16 |
eye, so when you pet the rollingpin write my name on the pie. | 17 |
Guard that gem, Sissy, rich and rare, ses he. In this cold old | 18 |
worold who'll feel it? Hum! The jewel you're all so cracked | 19 |
about there's flitty few of them gets it for there's nothing now | 20 |
but the sable stoles and a runabout to match it. Sing him a ring. | 21 |
Touch me low. And I'll lech ye so, my soandso. Show and show. | 22 |
Show on show. She. Shoe. Shone. | 23 |
    Divulge, sjuddenly jouted out hardworking Jaun, kicking | 24 |
the console to his double and braying aloud like Brahaam's ass, | 25 |
and, as his voixehumanar swelled to great, clenching his manlies, | 26 |
so highly strong was he, man, and gradually quite warming to | 27 |
her (there must have been a power of kinantics in that buel | 28 |
of gruel he gobed at bedgo) divorce into me and say the cur- | 29 |
name in undress (if you get into trouble with a party you are | 30 |
not likely to forget his appearance either) of any lapwhelp or | 31 |
sleevemongrel who talks to you upon the road where he tuck | 32 |
you to be a roller, O, (the goattanned saxopeeler upshotdown | 33 |
chigs peel of him!) and volunteers to trifle with your round- | 34 |
lings for profferred glass and dough, the marrying hand that | 35 |
his leisure repents of, without taking out his proper password | 36 |