pressdom. Apply your five wits to the four verilatest. The Arsdi- | 1 |
ken's An Traitey on Miracula or Viewed to Death by a Priest | 2 |
Hunter is still first in the field despite the castle bar, William | 3 |
Archer's a rompan good cathalogue and he'll give you a riser on | 4 |
the route to our nazional labronry. Skim over Through Hell | 5 |
with the Papes (mostly boys) by the divine comic Denti Alligator | 6 |
(exsponging your index) and find a quip in a quire arisus aream | 7 |
from bastardtitle to fatherjohnson. Swear aloud by pious fiction | 8 |
the like of Lentil Lore by Carnival Cullen or that Percy Wynns | 9 |
of our S. J. Finn's or Pease in Plenty by the Curer of Wars, | 10 |
licensed and censered by our most picturesque prelates, Their | 11 |
Graces of Linzen and Petitbois, bishops of Hibernites, licet ut | 12 |
lebanus, for expansion on the promises, the two best sells on the | 13 |
market this luckiest year, set up by Gill the father, put out by Gill | 14 |
the son and circulating disimally at Gillydehooly's Cost. Strike up | 15 |
a nodding acquaintance for our doctrine with the works of old | 16 |
Mrs Trot, senior, and Manoel Canter, junior, and Loper de Figas, | 17 |
nates maximum. I used to follow Mary Liddlelambe's flitsy tales, | 18 |
espicially with the scentaminted sauce. Sifted science will do your | 19 |
arts good. Egg Laid by Former Cock and With Flageolettes in Send | 20 |
Fanciesland. Chiefly girls. Trip over sacramental tea into the long | 21 |
lives of our saints and saucerdotes, with vignettes, cut short into | 22 |
instructual primers by those in authority for the bittermint of your | 23 |
soughts. Forfet not the palsied. Light a match for poor old | 24 |
Contrabally and send some balmoil for the schizmatics. A hemd | 25 |
in need is aye a friendly deed. Remember, maid, thou dust art | 26 |
powder but Cinderella thou must return (what are you robbing | 27 |
her sleeve for, Ruby? And pull in your tongue, Polly!). Cog that | 28 |
out of your teen times, everyone. The lad who brooks no | 29 |
breaches lifts the lass that toffs a tailor. How dare ye be laughing | 30 |
out of your mouthshine at the lack of that? Keep cool your fresh | 31 |
chastity which is far better far. Sooner than part with that vesta- | 32 |
lite emerald of the first importance, descended to me by far from | 33 |
our family, which you treasure up so closely where extremes | 34 |
meet, nay, mozzed lesmended, rather let the whole ekumene | 35 |
universe belong to merry Hal and do whatever his Mary well | 36 |