Patersen's Matches. Unto his promisk hands. Blown up last | 1 |
Lemmas by Orchid Lodge. Search Unclaimed Male. House Con- | 2 |
damned by Ediles. Back in Few Minutes. Closet for Repeers. 60 | 3 |
Shellburn. Key at Kate's. Kiss. Isaac's Butt, Poor Man. Dalicious | 4 |
arson. Caught. Missing. Justiciated. Kainly forewarred. Abraham | 5 |
Badly's King, Park Bogey. Salved. All reddy berried. Hollow and | 6 |
eavy. Desert it. Overwayed. Understrumped. Back to the P.O. | 7 |
Kaer of. Ownes owe M.O. Too Let. To Be Soiled. Cohabited | 8 |
by Unfortunates. Lost all Licence. His Bouf Toe is Frozen Over. | 9 |
X, Y and Z, Ltd, Destinied Tears. A.B, ab, Sender. Boston | 10 |
(Mass). 31 Jun. 13, 12. P.D. Razed. Lawyered. Vacant. Mined. | 11 |
Here's the Bayleaffs. Step out to Hall out of that, Ereweaker, | 12 |
with your Bloody Big Bristol. Bung. Stop. Bung. Stop. Cumm | 13 |
Bumm. Stop. Came Baked to Auld Aireen. Stop. | 14 |
    | 15 |
but since you rose to the use of money have you not, without | 16 |
suggesting for an instant, millions of moods used up slanguage | 17 |
tun times as words as the penmarks used out in sinscript with such | 18 |
hesitancy by your cerebrated brother | 19 |
tioningahem? | 20 |
    | 21 |
uish, vigorously rubbing his magic lantern to a glow of full- | 22 |
consciousness. HeCitEncy! Your words grates on my ares. | 23 |
Notorious I rather would feel inclined to myself in the first place | 24 |
to describe Mr O'Shem the Draper with before letter as should | 25 |
I be accentually called upon for a dieoguinnsis to pass my opinions, | 26 |
properly spewing, into impulsory irelitz. But I would not care to | 27 |
be so unfruitful to my own part as to swear for the moment posi- | 28 |
tively as to the views of Denmark. No, sah! But let me say my | 29 |
every belief before my high Gee is that I much doubt of it. I've no | 30 |
room for that fellow on my fagroaster, I just can't. As I hourly | 31 |
learn from Rooters and Havers through Gilligan's maypoles in | 32 |
a nice pathetic notice he, the pixillated doodler, is on his last with | 33 |
illegible clergimanths boasting always of his ruddy complexious! | 34 |
She, the mammy far, was put up to it by him, the iniquity that | 35 |
ought to be depraved of his libertins to be silenced, sackclothed | 36 |