Flummery is what I would call it if you were to ask me to put it | 1 |
on a single dimension what pronounced opinion I might possibly | 2 |
orally have about them bagses of trash which the mother and | 3 |
Mr Unmentionable (O breed not his same!) has reduced to writ- | 4 |
ing without making news out of my sootynemm. When she | 5 |
slipped under her couchman. And where he made a cat with a | 6 |
peep. How they wore two madges on the makewater. And why | 7 |
there were treefellers in the shrubrubs. Then he hawks his hand- | 8 |
mud figgers from Francie to Fritzie down in the kookin. Phiz | 9 |
is me mother and Hair's me father. Bauv Betty Famm and Pig | 10 |
Pig Pike. Their livetree (may it flourish!) by their ecotaph (let it | 11 |
stayne!). With balsinbal bimbies swarming tiltop. Comme bien, | 12 |
Comme bien! Feefeel! Feefeel! And the Dutches dyin loffin at | 13 |
his pon peck de Barec. And all the mound reared. Till he wot not | 14 |
wot to begin he should. An infant sailing eggshells on the floor | 15 |
of a wet day would have more sabby. | 16 |
    Letter, carried of Shaun, son of Hek, written of Shem, brother | 17 |
of Shaun, uttered for Alp, mother of Shem, for Hek, father of | 18 |
Shaun. Initialled. Gee. Gone. 29 Hardware Saint. Lendet till | 19 |
Laonum. Baile-Atha-Cliath. 31 Jan. 1132 A.D. Here Com- | 20 |
merces Enville. Tried Apposite House. 13 Fitzgibbets. Loco. | 21 |
Dangerous. Tax 9d. B.L. Guineys, esqueer. L.B. Not known at | 22 |
1132 a. 12 Norse Richmound. Nave unlodgeable. Loved noa's | 23 |
dress. Sinned, Jetty Pierrse. Noon sick parson. 92 Windsewer. | 24 |
Ave. No such no. Vale. Finn's Hot. Exbelled from 1O14 d. Pull- | 25 |
down. Fearview. Opened by Miss Take. 965 nighumpledan sexti- | 26 |
ffits. Shout at Site. Roofloss. Fit Dunlop and Be Satisfied. Mr. | 27 |
Domnall O'Domnally. Q.V. 8 Royal Terrors. None so strait. | 28 |
Shutter up. Dining with the Danes. Removed to Philip's Burke. | 29 |
At sea. D.E.D. Place scent on. Clontalk. Father Jacob, Rice | 30 |
Factor. 3 Castlewoos. P.V. Arrusted. J.P. Converted to Hos- | 31 |
pitalism. Ere the March past of Civilisation. Once Bank of Ireland's. | 32 |
Return to City Arms. 2 Milchbroke. Wrongly spilled. Traumcon- | 33 |
draws. Now Bunk of England's. Drowned in the Laffey. Here. | 34 |
The Reverest Adam Foundlitter. Shown geshotten. 7 Streetpetres. | 35 |
Since Cabranke. Seized of the Crownd. Well, Sir Arthur. Buy | 36 |