Conry ap Mul or Lap ap Morion and Buffler ap Matty Mac | 1 |
Gregory for Marcus on Podex by Daddy de Wyer, old baga- | 2 |
broth, beeves and scullogues, churls and vassals, in same, sept | 3 |
and severalty and one by one and sing a mamalujo. To the | 4 |
heroest champion of Eren and his braceoelanders and Gowan, | 5 |
Gawin and Gonne. | 6 |
    And after that now in the future, please God, after nonpenal | 7 |
start, all repeating ourselves, in medios loquos, from where he got | 8 |
a useful arm busy on the touchline, due south of her western | 9 |
shoulder down to death and the love embrace, with an interesting | 10 |
tallow complexion and all now united, sansfamillias, let us ran on | 11 |
to say oremus prayer and homeysweet homely, after fully realis- | 12 |
ing the gratifying experiences of highly continental evenements, | 13 |
for meter and peter to temple an eslaap, for auld acquaintance, to | 14 |
Peregrine and Michael and Farfassa and Peregrine, for navigants | 15 |
et peregrinantibus, in all the old imperial and Fionnachan sea and | 16 |
for vogue awallow to a Miss Yiss, you fascinator, you, sing a | 17 |
lovasteamadorion to Ladyseyes, here's Tricks and Doelsy, de- | 18 |
lightfully ours, in her doaty ducky little blue and roll his hoop | 19 |
and how she ran, when wit won free, the dimply blissed and aw- | 20 |
fully bucked, right glad we never shall forget, thoh the dayses | 21 |
gone still they loves young dreams and old Luke with his | 22 |
kingly leer, so wellworth watching, and Senchus Mor, possessed | 23 |
of evident notoriety, and another more of the bigtimers, to name | 24 |
no others, of whom great things were expected in the fulmfilming | 25 |
department, for the lives of Lazarus and auld luke syne and she | 26 |
haihaihail her kobbor kohinor sehehet on the praze savohole | 27 |
shanghai. | 28 |
    Hear, O hear, Iseult la belle ! Tristan, sad hero, hear ! The Lambeg | 29 |
drum, the Lombog reed, the Lumbag fiferer, the Limibig brazenaze. | 30 |
31 | |
Anno Domini nostri sancti Jesu Christi | 32 |
Nine hundred and ninetynine million pound sterling in the blueblack | 33 |
    bowels of the bank of Ulster. | 34 |
Braw bawbees and good gold pounds, galore, my girleen, a Sunday'll | 35 |
    prank thee finely. | 36 |