maiden name, for overflauwing, by the dream of woman the | 1 |
owneirist, in forty lands. From Greg and Doug on poor Greg | 2 |
and Mat and Mar and Lu and Jo, now happily buried, our four! | 3 |
And there she was right enough, that lovely sight enough, the | 4 |
girleen bawn asthore, as for days galore, of planxty Gregory. | 5 |
Egory. O bunket not Orwin! Ay, ay. | 6 |
    But, sure, that reminds me now, like another tellmastory re- | 7 |
peating yourself, how they used to be in lethargy's love, at the | 8 |
end of it all, at that time (up) always, tired and all, after doing the | 9 |
mousework and making it up, over their community singing | 10 |
(up) the top loft of the voicebox, of Mamalujo like the senior | 11 |
follies at murther magrees, squatting round,two by two, the four | 12 |
confederates, with Caxons the Coswarn, up the wet air register | 13 |
in Old Man's House, Millenium Road, crowning themselves in | 14 |
lauraly branches, with their cold knees and their poor (up) quad | 15 |
rupeds, ovasleep, and all dolled up, for their blankets and materny | 16 |
mufflers and plimsoles and their bowl of brown shackle and | 17 |
milky and boterham clots, a potion a peace, a piece aportion, a | 18 |
lepel alip, alup a lap, for a cup of kindest yet, with hold take hand | 19 |
and nurse and only touch of ate, a lovely munkybown and for | 20 |
xmell and wait the pinch and prompt poor Marcus Lyons to be not | 21 |
beheeding the skillet on for the live of ghosses but to pass the teeth | 22 |
for choke sake, Amensch, when it so happen they were all syca- | 23 |
more and by the world forgot, since the phlegmish hoopicough, | 24 |
for all a possabled, after ete a bad cramp and johnny magories, and | 25 |
backscrat the poor bedsores and the farthing dip, their caschal | 26 |
pandle of magnegnousioum, and read a letter or two every night, | 27 |
before going to dodo sleep atrance, with their catkins coifs, in | 28 |
the twilight, a capitaletter, for further auspices, on their old one | 29 |
page codex book of old year's eve 1132, M.M.L.J. old style, their | 30 |
Senchus Mor, by his fellow girl, the Mrs Shemans, in her summer | 31 |
seal houseonsample, with the caracul broadtail, her totam in | 32 |
tutu, final buff noonmeal edition, in the regatta covers, uptenable | 33 |
from the orther, for to regul their reves by incubation, and Lally, | 34 |
through their gangrene spentacles, and all the good or they | 35 |
did in their time, the rigorists, for Roe and O'Mulcnory a | 36 |