stuck ginger, which, as being of sours, acids, salts, sweets and | 1 |
bitters compompounded, we know him to have used as chaw- | 2 |
chaw for bone, muscle, blood, flesh and vimvital,) that where- | 3 |
as the hakusay accusation againstm had been made, what was | 4 |
known in high quarters as was stood stated in Morganspost, by | 5 |
a creature in youman form who was quite beneath parr and seve- | 6 |
ral degrees lower than yore triplehydrad snake. In greater sup- | 7 |
port of his word (it, quaint 'anticipation of a famous phrase, has | 8 |
been reconstricted out of oral style into the verbal for all time | 9 |
with ritual rhythmics, in quiritary quietude, and toosammen- | 10 |
stucked from successive accounts by Noah Webster in the re- | 11 |
daction known as the Sayings Attributive of H. C. Earwicker, | 12 |
prize on schillings, postlots free), the flaxen Gygas tapped his | 13 |
chronometrum drumdrum and, now standing full erect, above | 14 |
the ambijacent floodplain, scene of its happening, with one Ber- | 15 |
lin gauntlet chopstuck in the hough of his ellboge (by ancientest | 16 |
signlore his gesture meaning: !)
pointed at an angle of thirty- | 17 |
two degrees towards his duc de Fer's overgrown milestone as | 18 |
fellow to his gage and after a rendypresent pause averred with | 19 |
solemn emotion's fire: Shsh shake, co-comeraid! Me only, them | 20 |
five ones, he is equal combat. I have won straight. Hence my | 21 |
nonation wide hotel and creamery establishments which for the | 22 |
honours of our mewmew mutual daughters, credit me, I am woo- | 23 |
woo willing to take my stand, sir, upon the monument, that sign | 24 |
of our ruru redemption, any hygienic day to this hour and to | 25 |
make my hoath to my sinnfinners, even if I get life for it, upon | 26 |
the Open Bible and before the Great Taskmaster's (I lift my hat!) | 27 |
and in the presence of the Deity Itself andwell of Bishop and | 28 |
Mrs Michan of High Church of England as of all such of said | 29 |
my immediate withdwellers and of every living sohole in every | 30 |
corner wheresoever of this globe in general which useth of my | 31 |
British to my backbone tongue and commutative justice that | 32 |
there is not one tittle of truth, allow me to tell you, in that purest | 33 |
of fibfib fabrications. | 34 |
Gaping Gill, swift to mate errthors, stern to checkself,
(diag- | 35 |
nosing through eustacetube that it was to make with a markedly | 36 |