staff, scarf and blessed wallet and our aureoles | 1 | ||
round our neckkandcropfs where as and when | 2 | ||
Heavysciusgardaddy, parent who offers sweet- | 3 | ||
Abnegation is | meats, will gift uns his Noblett's surprize. | 4 | |
Adaptation. | With this laudable purpose in loud ability let | 5 | |
us be singulfied. Betwixt me and thee hung | 6 | ||
cong. Item, mizpah ends. | 7 | ||
But while the dial are they doodling dawd- | ENTER THE | 8 | |
ling over the mugs and the grubs? Oikey, | COP AND | 9 | |
Impostolopulos? 1 Steady steady steady steady | HOW. | 10 | |
steady studiavimus. Many many many many | SECURES | 11 | |
many manducabimus. 2 We've had our day at triv | GUBERNANT | 12 | |
and quad and writ our bit as intermidgets. Art, | URBIS | 13 | |
literature, politics, economy,chemistry, human- | TERROREM. | 14 | |
Cato. | ity, &c. Duty, the daughter of discipline, the | 16 | |
Nero. | Great Fire at the South City Markets, Belief in | 17 | |
Saul. Aristotle. | Giants and the Banshee, A Place for Every- | 18 | |
Julius Caesar. | thing and Everything in its Place, Is the Pen | 19 | |
Pericles. | Mightier than the Sword? A Successful Career | 20 | |
Ovid. | in the Civil Service, 3 The Voice of Nature in | 21 | |
Adam, Eve. | the Forest, 4 Your Favorite Hero or Heroine, | 22 | |
Domitian. Edipus. | On the Benefits of Recreation, 5 If Standing | 23 | |
Socrates. | Stones Could Speak, Devotion to the Feast of | 24 | |
Ajax. | the Indulgence of Portiuncula, The Dublin | 25 | |
Metropolitan Police Sports at Ballsbridge, De- | 26 | ||
Homer. | scribe in Homely Anglian Monosyllables the | 27 | |
MarcusAurelius. | Wreck of the Hesperus, 6 What Morals, if any, | 28 | |
can be drawn from Diarmuid and Grania? 7 Do | 29 | ||
Alcibiades. | you Approve of our Existing Parliamentary | 30 | |
Lucretius. | System? The Uses and Abuses of Insects, A | 31 | |
1 The divvy wants that babbling brook. Dear Auntie Emma Emma Eates. | |||
  2 Strike the day off, the nightcap's on nigh. Goney, goney gone! | |||
  3 R.C., disengaged, good character, would help, no salary. | |||
  4 Where Lily is a Lady found the nettle rash. | |||
  5 Bubabipibambuli, I can do as I like with what's me own. Nyamnyam. | |||
  6 Able seaman's caution. | |||
  7 Rarely equal and distinct in all things. |