name is on the hero, Capellisato, shoehanded slaughterer of the | 1 |
shader of our leaves. | 2 |
    Attach him! Hold! | 3 |
    Yet stir thee, to clay, Tamor! | 4 |
    Why wilt thou erewaken him from his earth, O summonor- | 5 |
other: he is weatherbitten from the dusts of ages? The hour of his | 6 |
closing hies to hand; the tocsin that shall claxonise his ware- | 7 |
abouts. If one who remembered his webgoods and tealofts were | 8 |
to ask of a hooper for whose it was the storks were quitting | 9 |
Aquileyria, this trundler would not wot; if other who joined faith | 10 |
when his depth charge bombed our barrel spillway were to | 11 |
    Jehosophat, what doom is here! Rain ruth on them, sire! The | 12 |
wing of Moykill cover him! The Bulljon Bossbrute quarantee | 13 |
him! Calavera, caution! Slaves to Virtue, save his Veritotem! | 14 |
Bearara Tolearis, procul abeat! The Ivorbonegorer of Danamara- | 15 |
ca be, his Hector Protector! Woldomar with Vasa, peel your | 16 |
peeps! And try to saviourise the nights of labour to the order of | 17 |
our blooding worold! While Pliny the Younger writes to Pliny | 18 |
the Elder his calamolumen of contumellas, what Aulus Gellius | 19 |
picked on Micmacrobius and what Vitruvius pocketed from | 20 |
Cassiodorus. Like we larnt from that Buke of Lukan in Dublin's | 21 |
capital, Kongdam Coombe. Even if you are the kooper of the | 22 |
winkel over measure never lost a licence. Nor a duckindonche | 23 |
divulse from bath and breakfast. And for the honour of Alcohol | 24 |
drop that you-know-what-I've-come-about-I-saw-your-act air! | 25 |
Punch may be pottleproud but his Judy's a wife's wit better. | 26 |
    For the producer (Mr John Baptister Vickar) caused a deep | 27 |
abuliousness to descend upon the Father of Truants and, at a side | 28 |
issue, pluterpromptly brought on the scene the cutletsized con- | 29 |
sort, foundling filly of fortyshilling fostertailor and shipman's | 30 |
shopahoyden, weighing ten pebble ten, scaling five footsy five | 31 |
and spanning thirtyseven inchettes round the good companions, | 32 |
twentynine ditties round the wishful waistress, thirtyseven alsos | 33 |
round the answer to everything, twentythree of the same round | 34 |
each of the quis separabits, fourteen round the beginning of hap- | 35 |
piness and nicely nine round her shoed for slender. | 36 |