Was he pitssched for an ensemple as certain have dognosed of | 1 |
him against our seawall by Rurie, Thoath and Cleaver, those | 2 |
three stout sweynhearts,Orion of the Orgiasts, Meereschal Mac- | 3 |
Muhun, the Ipse dadden, product of the extremes giving quoti- | 4 |
dients to our means, as might occur to anyone, your brutest | 5 |
layaman with the princest champion in our archdeaconry, or so | 6 |
yclept from Clio's clippings, which the chroncher of chivalries | 7 |
is sulpicious save he scan, for ancients link with presents as the | 8 |
human chain extends, have done, do and will again as John, Poly- | 9 |
carp and lrenews eye-to-eye ayewitnessed and to Paddy Palmer, | 10 |
while monks sell yew to archers or the water of the livvying | 11 |
goes the way of all fish from Sara's drawhead,the corralsome,to | 12 |
Isaac's,the lauphed butt one, with her minnelisp extorreor to his | 13 |
moanolothe inturned? So Perrichon with Bastienne or heavy | 14 |
Humph with airy Nan, Ricqueracqbrimbillyjicqueyjocqjolicass? | 15 |
How sowesthow, dullcisamica? A and aa ab ad abu abiad. A | 16 |
babbel men dub gulch of tears. | 17 |
    The mar of murmury mermers to the mind's ear, uncharted | 18 |
rock, evasive weed. Only the caul knows his thousandfirst name, | 19 |
Hocus Crocus, Esquilocus, Finnfinn the Faineant, how feel full | 20 |
foes in furrinarr! Doth it not all come aft to you, puritysnooper, | 21 |
in the way television opes longtimes ofter when Potollomuck | 22 |
Sotyr or Sourdanapplous the Lollapaloosa? The charges are, you | 23 |
will remember, the chances are, you won't; bit it's old Joe, the | 24 |
Java Jane, older even than Odam Costollo, and we are recur- | 25 |
rently meeting em, par Mahun Mesme, in cycloannalism, from | 26 |
space to space, time after time, in various phases of scripture as | 27 |
in various poses of sepulture. Greets Godd, Groceries! Merodach! | 28 |
Defend the King! Hoet of the rough throat attack but whose say | 29 |
is soft but whose ee has a cute angle, he whose hut is a hissarlik | 30 |
even as her hennin's aspire. And insodaintily she's a quine of selm | 31 |
ashaker while as a murder of corpse when his magot's up he's | 32 |
the best berrathon sanger in all the aisles of Skaldignavia. As who | 33 |
shall hear. For now at last is Longabed going to be gone to, that | 34 |
more than man, prince of Bunnicombe of wide roadsterds, the | 35 |
herblord the gillyflowrets so fain fan to flatter about. Artho is the | 36 |