things feminite, towooerds him in heliolatry, so they may catch- | 1 |
cup in their calyzettes, alls they go troping, those parryshoots | 2 |
from his muscalone pistil, for he can eyespy through them, to | 3 |
their selfcolours, nevertheleast their tissue peepers, (meaning | 4 |
Mullabury mesh, the time of appling flowers, a guarded figure | 5 |
of speech, a variety of perfume, a bridawl, seamist inso one) as | 6 |
leichtly as see saw (O my goodmiss! O my greatmess! O my | 7 |
prizelestly preshoes!) while, dewyfully as dimb dumbelles, all | 8 |
alisten to his elixir. Lovelyt! | 9 |
    And they said to him: | 10 |
    | 11 |
dearest, we herehear, aboutobloss, O coelicola, thee salutamt. | 12 |
Pattern of our unschoold, pageantmaster, deliverer of softmis- | 13 |
sives, round the world in forty mails, bag, belt and balmybeam, | 14 |
our barnaboy, our chepachap, with that pampipe in your put- | 15 |
away, gab borab, when you will be after doing all your sight- | 16 |
seeing and soundhearing and smellsniffing and tastytasting and | 17 |
tenderumstouchings in all Daneygaul, send us, your adorables, | 18 |
thou overblaseed, a wise and letters play of all you can ceive, | 19 |
chief celtech chappy, from your holy post now you hast as- | 20 |
certained ceremonially our names. Unclean you art not. Outcaste | 21 |
thou are not. Leperstower, the karman's loki, has not blanched | 22 |
at our pollution and your intercourse at ninety legsplits does not | 23 |
defile. Untouchable is not the scarecrown is on you. You are | 24 |
pure. You are pure. You are in your puerity. You have not | 25 |
brought stinking members into the house of Amanti. Elleb Inam, | 26 |
Titep Notep, we name them to the Hall of Honour. Your head | 27 |
has been touched by the god Enel-Rah and your face has been | 28 |
brightened by the goddess Aruc-Ituc. Return, sainted youngling, | 29 |
and walk once more among us! The rains of Demani are masikal | 30 |
as of yere. And Baraza is all aflower. Siker of calmy days. As | 31 |
shiver as shower can be. Our breed and better class is in brood | 32 |
and bitter pass. Labbeycliath longs. But we're counting on the | 33 |
cluck. The Great Cackler comes again. Sweetstaker, Abel lord of | 34 |
all our haloease, we (to be slightly more femmiliar perhips than is | 35 |
slickly more then nacessory), toutes philomelas as well as mag- | 36 |