mint. You mustn't miss it or you'll be sorry. Charmeuses chloes, | 1 |
glycering juwells, lydialight fans and puffumed cynarettes. And | 2 |
the Prince Le Monade has been graciously pleased. His six choco- | 3 |
late pages will run bugling before him and Cococream toddle | 4 |
after with his sticksword in a pink cushion. We think His Spark- | 5 |
ling Headiness ought to know Lady Marmela. Luisome his for | 6 |
lissome hers. He's not going to Cork till Cantalamesse or may- | 7 |
hope till Rose Easter or Saint Tibble's Day. So Niomon knows. | 8 |
The Fomor's in his Fin, the Momor's her and hin. A paaralone! | 9 |
A paaralone! And Dublin's all adin. We'll sing a song of Single- | 10 |
month and you'll too and you'll. Here are notes. There's the key. | 11 |
One two three. Chours! So come on, ye wealthy gentrymen wib- | 12 |
frufrocksfull of fun! Thin thin! Thin thin! Thej olly and thel | 13 |
ively, thou billy with thee coo, for to jog a jig of a crispness nice | 14 |
and sing a missal too. Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree! O | 15 |
you longtailed blackman, polk it up behind me! Hip champouree! | 16 |
Hiphip champouree! And, jessies, push the pumkik round. Anne- | 17 |
liuia! | 18 |
    Since the days of Roamaloose and Rehmoose the pavanos have | 19 |
been strident through their struts of Chapelldiseut, the vaulsies | 20 |
have meed and youdled through the purly ooze of Ballybough, | 21 |
many a mismy cloudy has tripped taintily along that hercourt | 22 |
strayed reelway and the rigadoons have held ragtimed revels on | 23 |
the platauplain of Grangegorman; and, though since then ster- | 24 |
lings and guineas have been replaced by brooks and lions and | 25 |
some progress has been made on stilts and the races have come | 26 |
and gone and Thyme, that chef of seasoners, has made his usual | 27 |
astewte use of endadjustables and whatnot willbe isnor was, those | 28 |
danceadeils and cancanzanies have come stimmering down for our | 29 |
begayment through the bedeafdom of po's taeorns, the obcecity | 30 |
of pa's teapucs, as lithe and limbfree limber as when momie | 31 |
mummed at ma. | 32 |
    Just so stylled with the nattes are their flowerheads now and | 33 |
each of all has a lovestalk onto herself and the tot of all the tits of | 34 |
their understamens is as open as he can posably she and is tourne- | 35 |
soled straightcut or sidewaist, accourdant to the coursets of | 36 |