Cokerycokes, it's his spurt of coal. And may his tarpitch dilute | 1 |
not give him chromitis! For the mauwe that blinks you blank is | 2 |
mostly Carbo. Where the inflammabilis might pursuive his com- | 3 |
burenda with a pure flame and a true flame and a flame all too- | 4 |
gasser, soot. The worst is over. Wait! And the dubuny Mag may | 5 |
gang to preesses. With Dinny Finneen, me canty, ho! In the lost | 6 |
of the gleamens. Sousymoust. For he would himself deal a treat- | 7 |
ment as might be trusted in anticipation of his inculmination unto | 8 |
fructification for the major operation. When (pip!) a message | 9 |
interfering intermitting interskips from them (pet!) on herzian | 10 |
waves, (call her venicey names! call her a stell!) a butterfly from | 11 |
her zipclasped handbag, a wounded dove astarted from, escaping | 12 |
out her forecotes. Isle wail for yews, O doherlynt! The poetesser. | 13 |
And around its scorched cap she has twilled a twine of flame to | 14 |
let the laitiest know she's marrid. And pim it goes backballed. Tot | 15 |
burns it so leste. A claribel cumbeck to errind. Hers before his | 16 |
even, posted ere penned. He's your change, thinkyou methim. | 17 |
Go daft noon,madden, mind the step. Please stoop O to please. | 18 |
Stop. What saying? I have soreunder from to him now, dear- | 19 |
mate ashore, so, so compleasely till I can get redressed, which | 20 |
means the end of my stays in the languish of Tintangle. Is you | 21 |
zealous of mes, brother? Did you boo moiety lowd? You sup- | 22 |
poted to be the on conditiously rejected? Satanly, lade! Can that | 23 |
sobstuff, whingeywilly! Stop up, mavrone, and sit in my lap, | 24 |
Pepette, though I'd much rather not. Like things are m. ds. is all | 25 |
in vincibles. Decoded. | 26 |
    Now a run for his money! Now a dash to her dot! Old cocker, | 27 |
young crowy sifadda, sosson. A bran new, speedhount, out- | 28 |
stripperous on the wind. Like a waft to wingweary one or a sos | 29 |
to a coastguard. For directly with his whoop, stop and an upa- | 30 |
lepsy didando a tishy, in appreciable less time than it takes a | 31 |
glaciator to submerger an Atlangthis, was he again, agob, before | 32 |
the trembly ones, a spark's gap off, doubledasguesched, gotten | 33 |
orlop in a simplasailormade and shaking the storm out of his | 34 |
hiccups. The smartest vessel you could find would elazilee him | 35 |
on her knee as her lucky for the Rio Grande. He's a pigtaiI tarr | 36 |