me there title to where was a hovel not a havel (the first rattle of | 1 |
his juniverse) with a tingtumtingling and a next, next and next | 2 |
(gin a paddy? got a petty? gussies, gif it ope?), while itch ish | 3 |
shome. | 4 |
    | 5 |
    Whereof in youthfood port I preyed | 6 |
    Amook the verdigrassy convict vallsall dazes. | 7 |
    And cloitered for amourmeant in thy boosome shede! | 8 |
    His mouthfull of ecstasy (for Shing-Yung-Thing in Shina from | 9 |
Yoruyume across the Timor Sea), herepong (maladventure!) shot | 10 |
pinging up through the errorooth of his wisdom (who thought | 11 |
him a Fonar all, feastking of shellies by googling Lovvey, regally | 12 |
freytherem, eagelly plumed, and wasbut gumboil owrithy prods | 13 |
wretched some horsery megee plods coffin acid odarkery pluds | 14 |
dense floppens mugurdy) as thought it had been zawhen intwo. | 15 |
Wholly sanguish blooded up disconvulsing the fixtures of his | 16 |
fizz. Apang which his tempory chewer med him a crazy chump | 17 |
of a Haveajube Sillayass. Joshua Croesus, son of Nunn! Though | 18 |
he shall live for millions of years a life of billions of years, from | 19 |
their roseaced glows to their violast lustres, he shall not forget | 20 |
that pucking Pugases. Holihowlsballs and bloody acres! Like | 21 |
gnawthing unheardth! | 22 |
    But, by Jove Chronides, Seed of Summ, after at he had bate | 23 |
his breastplates for, forforget, forforgetting his birdsplace, it was | 24 |
soon that, that he, that he rehad himself. By a prayer? No, that | 25 |
comes later. By contrite attrition? Nay, that we passed. Mid | 26 |
esercizism? So is richt. | 27 |
    And it was so. And Malthos Moramor resumed his soul. With: | 28 |
Go Ferchios off to Allad out of this! An oldsteinsong. He threwed | 29 |
his fit up to his aers, rolled his poligone eyes, snivelled from his | 30 |
snose and blew the guff out of his hornypipe. The hopjoimt jerk | 31 |
of a ladle broom jig that he learned in locofoco when a redhot | 32 |
turnspite he. Under reign of old Roastin the Bowl Ratskillers, | 33 |
readyos! Why was that man for he's doin her wrong! Lookery | 34 |
looks, how he's knots in his entrails! Mookery mooks, it's a | 35 |
grippe of his gripes. Seekeryseeks, why his biting he's head off? | 36 |