of all those fourlegged ems: and why spell dear god with a big | 1 |
thick dhee (why, O why, O why?): the cut and dry aks and wise | 2 |
form of the semifinal; and, eighteenthly or twentyfourthly, but | 3 |
at least, thank Maurice, lastly when all is zed and done, the pene- | 4 |
lopean patience of its last paraphe, a colophon of no fewer than | 5 |
seven hundred and thirtytwo strokes tailed by a leaping lasso | 6 |
who thus at all this marvelling but will press on hotly to see the | 7 |
vaulting feminine libido of those interbranching ogham sex up- | 8 |
andinsweeps sternly controlled and easily repersuaded by the | 9 |
uniform matteroffactness of a meandering male fist? | 10 |
    Duff-Muggli, who now may be quoted by very kind arrange- | 11 |
ment (his dectroscophonious photosensition under suprasonic | 12 |
light control may be logged for by our none too distant futures | 13 |
as soon astone values can be turned out from Chromophilomos, | 14 |
Limited at a millicentime the microamp), first called this kind of | 15 |
paddygoeasy partnership the ulykkhean or tetrachiric or quad- | 16 |
rumane or ducks and drakes or debts and dishes perplex (v. Some | 17 |
Forestallings over that Studium of Sexophonologistic Schizophre- | 18 |
nesis, vol. xxiv, pp. 2-555) after the wellinformed observation, | 19 |
made miles apart from the Master by Tung-Toyd (cf. Later | 20 |
Frustrations amengst the Neomugglian Teachings abaft the Semi- | 21 |
unconscience, passim) that in the case of the littleknown periplic | 22 |
bestteller popularly associated with the names of the wretched | 23 |
mariner (trianforan deffwedoff our plumsucked pattern shape- | 24 |
keeper) a Punic admiralty report, From MacPerson's Oshean | 25 |
Round By the Tides of Jason's Cruise, had been cleverly capsized | 26 |
and saucily republished as a dodecanesian baedeker of the every- | 27 |
tale-a-treat-in-itself variety which could hope satisfactorily to | 28 |
tickle me gander as game as your goose. | 29 |
    The unmistaken identity of the persons in the Tiberiast du- | 30 |
plex came to light in the most devious of ways. The original | 31 |
document was in what is known as Hanno O'Nonhanno's un- | 32 |
brookable script, that is to say, it showed no signs of punctua- | 33 |
tion of any sort. Yet on holding the verso against a lit rush this | 34 |
new book of Morses responded most remarkably to the silent | 35 |
query of our world's oldest light and its recto let out the piquant | 36 |