ampersands under which we can glypse at and feel for ourselves | 1 |
across all those rushyears the warm soft short pants of the quick- | 2 |
scribbler: the vocative lapse from which it begins and the accu- | 3 |
sative hole in which it ends itself; the aphasia of that heroic agony | 4 |
of recalling a once loved number leading slip by slipper to a | 5 |
general amnesia of misnomering one's own: next those ars, rrrr! | 6 |
those ars all bellical, the highpriest's hieroglyph of kettletom and | 7 |
oddsbones, wrasted redhandedly from our hallowed rubric prayer | 8 |
for truce with booty, O'Remus pro Romulo, and rudely from the | 9 |
fane's pinnacle tossed down by porter to within an aim's ace of | 10 |
their quatrain of rubyjets among Those Who arse without the | 11 |
Temple nor since Roe's Distillery burn'd have quaff'd Night's | 12 |
firefill'd Cup But jig jog jug as Day the Dicebox Throws, whang, | 13 |
loyal six I lead, out wi'yer heart's bluid, blast ye, and there she's | 14 |
for you, sir, whang her, the fine ooman, rouge to her lobster | 15 |
locks, the rossy, whang, God and O'Mara has it with his ruddy | 16 |
old Villain Rufus, wait, whang, God and you're another he | 17 |
hasn't for there's my spoil five of spuds's trumps, whang, whack | 18 |
on his pigsking's Kisser for him, K.M. O'Mara where are you?; | 19 |
then (coming over to the left aisle corner down) the cruciform | 20 |
postscript from which three basia or shorter and smaller oscula | 21 |
have been overcarefully scraped away, plainly inspiring the tene- | 22 |
brous Tunc page of the Book of Kells (and then it need not be | 23 |
lost sight of that there are exactly three squads of candidates for | 24 |
the crucian rose awaiting their turn in the marginal panels of | 25 |
Columkiller, chugged in their three ballotboxes, then set apart for | 26 |
such hanging committees, where two was enough for anyone, | 27 |
starting with old Matthew himself, as he with great distinction | 28 |
said then just as since then people speaking have fallen into the | 29 |
custom, when speaking to a person, of saying two is company | 30 |
when the third person is the person darkly spoken of, and then | 31 |
that last labiolingual basium might be read as a suavium if who- | 32 |
ever the embracer then was wrote with a tongue in his (or per- | 33 |
haps her) cheek as the case may have been then) and the fatal | 34 |
droopadwindle slope of the blamed scrawl, a sure sign of imper- | 35 |
fectible moral blindness; the toomuchness, the fartoomanyness | 36 |