earth and all it has gone through and by all means, after a good | 1 |
ground kiss to Terracussa and for wars luck our lefftoff's flung | 2 |
over our home homoplate, cling to it as with drowning hands, | 3 |
hoping against hope all the while that, by the light of philo- | 4 |
phosy, (and may she never folsage us!) things will begin to clear | 5 |
up a bit one way or another within the next quarrel of an hour | 6 |
and be hanged to them as ten to one they will too, please the pigs, | 7 |
as they ought to categorically, as, stricly between ourselves,there | 8 |
is a limit to all things so this will never do. | 9 |
    For, with that farmfrow's foul flair for that flayfell foxfetor, | 10 |
(the calamite's columitas calling for calamitous calamitance) who | 11 |
that scrutinising marvels at those indignant whiplooplashes; those | 12 |
so prudently bolted or blocked rounds; the touching reminiscence | 13 |
of an incompletet trail or dropped final; a round thousand whirli- | 14 |
gig glorioles, prefaced by (alas!) now illegible airy plumeflights, | 15 |
all tiberiously ambiembellishing the initials majuscule of Ear- | 16 |
wicker: the meant to be baffling chrismon trilithon sign , finally | 17 |
called after some his hes hecitency Hec,which, moved contra- | 18 |
watchwise, represents his title in sigla as the smaller , fontly | 19 |
called following a certain change of state of grace of nature alp | 20 |
or delta, when single, stands for or tautologically stands beside | 21 |
the consort: (though for that matter, since we have heard from | 22 |
Cathay cyrcles how the hen is not mirely a tick or two after the | 23 |
first fifth fourth of the second eighth twelfth | 24 |
hongkong sansheneul | 25 |
ninth from the twentieth, our own vulgar 432 and 1132 irre- | 26 |
spectively, why not take the former for a village inn, the latter | 27 |
for an upsidown bridge, a multiplication marking for crossroads | 28 |
ahead, which you like pothook for the family gibbet, their old | 29 |
fourwheedler for the bucker's field, a tea anyway for a tryst | 30 |
someday, and his onesidemissing for an allblind alley leading to | 31 |
an Irish plot in the Champ de Mors, not?) the steady monologuy | 32 |
of the interiors; the pardonable confusion for which some blame | 33 |
the cudgel and more blame the soot but unthanks to which | 34 |
the pees with their caps awry are quite as often as not taken | 35 |
for kews with their tails in their or are quite as often as not | 36 |