the whole, the meaning of every word of a phrase so far de- | 1 |
ciphered out of it, however unfettered our Irish daily indepen- | 2 |
dence, we must vaunt no idle dubiosity as to its genuine author- | 3 |
ship and holusbolus authoritativeness. And let us bringtheecease | 4 |
to beakerings on that clink, olmond bottler! On the face of it, | 5 |
to volt back to our desultory horses, and for your roughshod | 6 |
mind, bafflelost bull, the affair is a thing once for all done and | 7 |
there you are somewhere and finished in a certain time, be it a | 8 |
day or a year or even supposing, it should eventually turn out | 9 |
to be a serial number of goodness gracious alone knows how | 10 |
many days or years. Anyhow, somehow and somewhere, before | 11 |
the bookflood or after her ebb, somebody mentioned by name in | 12 |
his telephone directory, Coccolanius or Gallotaurus, wrote it, | 13 |
wrote it all, wrote it all down, and there you are, full stop. O, | 14 |
undoubtedly yes, and very potably so, but one who deeper thinks | 15 |
will always bear in the baccbuccus of his mind that this down- | 16 |
right there you are and there it is is only all in his eye. Why? | 17 |
    Because, Soferim Bebel, if it goes to that, (and dormerwindow | 18 |
gossip will cry it from the housetops no surelier than the writing | 19 |
on the wall will hue it to the mod of men that mote in the main | 20 |
street) every person, place and thing in the chaosmos of Alle | 21 |
anyway connected with the gobblydumped turkery was moving | 22 |
and changing every part of the time: the travelling inkhorn | 23 |
(possibly pot), the hare and turtle pen and paper, the continually | 24 |
more and less intermisunderstanding minds of the anticollabora- | 25 |
tors, the as time went on as it will variously inflected, differently | 26 |
pronounced, otherwise spelled, changeably meaning vocable | 27 |
scriptsigns. No, so holp me Petault, it is not a miseffectual why- | 28 |
acinthinous riot of blots and blurs and bars and balls and hoops | 29 |
and wriggles and juxtaposed jottings linked by spurts of speed: | 30 |
it only looks as like it as damn it; and, sure, we ought really to | 31 |
rest thankful that at this deleteful hour of dungflies dawning we | 32 |
have even a written on with dried ink scrap of paper at all to show | 33 |
for ourselves, tare it or leaf it, (and we are lufted to ourselves as | 34 |
the soulfisher when he led the cat out of the bout) after all that | 35 |
we lost and plundered of it even to the hidmost coignings of the | 36 |