Myrtles of Venice Played to Bloccus's Line, To Plenge Me High | 1 |
He Waives Chiltern on Friends, Oremunds Queue Visits Amen | 2 |
Mart, E'en Tho' I Granny a-be He would Fain Me Cuddle, Twenty | 3 |
of Chambers, Weighty Ten Beds and a Wan Ceteroom, I Led the | 4 |
Life, Through the Boxer Coxer Rising in the House with the Golden | 5 |
Stairs, The Following Fork, He's my O'Jerusalem and I'm his | 6 |
Po, The Best in the West, By the Stream of Zemzem under Zig- | 7 |
zag Hill, The Man That Made His Mother in the Marlborry | 8 |
Train, Try Our Taal on a Taub, The Log of Anny to the Base | 9 |
All, Nopper Tipped a Nappiwenk to his Notylytl Dantsigirls, Prszss | 10 |
Orel Orel the King of Orlbrdsz, Intimier Minnelisp of an Extor- | 11 |
reor Monolothe, Drink to Him, My Juckey, and Dhoult Bemine | 12 |
Thy Winnowing Sheet, I Ask You to Believe I was his Mistress, | 13 |
He Can Explain, From Victrolia Nuancee to Allbart Noahnsy, | 14 |
Da's a Daisy so Guimea your Handsel too, What Barbaras Done | 15 |
to a Barrel Organ Before the Rank, Tank and Bonnbtail, Huskvy | 16 |
Admortal, What Jumbo made to Jalice and what Anisette to Him, | 17 |
Ophelia's Culpreints, Hear Hubty Hublin, My Old Dansh, I am | 18 |
Older northe Rogues among Whisht I Slips and He Calls Me his | 19 |
Dual of Ayessha, Suppotes a Ventriliquorst Merries a Corpse, | 20 |
Lapps for Finns This Funnycoon's Week, How the Buckling Shut | 21 |
at Rush in January, Look to the Lady, From the Rise of the | 22 |
Dudge Pupublick to the Fall of the Potstille, Of the Two Ways | 23 |
of Opening the Mouth, I have not Stopped Water Where It Should | 24 |
Flow and I Know the Twentynine Names of Attraente, The Tortor | 25 |
of Tory Island Traits Galasia like his Milchcow, From Abbeygate | 26 |
to Crowalley Through a Lift in the Lude, Smocks for Their Graces | 27 |
and Me Aunt for Them Clodshoppers, How to Pull a Good Horus- | 28 |
coup even when Oldsire is Dead to the World, Inn the Gleam of | 29 |
Waherlow, Fathe He's Sukceded to My Esperations, Thee Steps | 30 |
Forward, Two Stops Back, My Skin Appeals to Three Senses and | 31 |
My Curly Lips Demand Columbkisses; Gage Street on a Crany's | 32 |
Savings, Them Lads made a Trion of Battlewatschers and They | 33 |
Totties a Doeit of Deers, In My Lord's Bed by One Whore Went | 34 |
Through It, Mum It is All Over, Cowpoyride by Twelve Acre Ter- | 35 |
riss in the Unique Estates of Amessican, He Gave me a Thou so I | 36 |