In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the | 1 |
Bringer of Plurabilities, haloed be her eve, her singtime sung, her | 2 |
rill be run, unhemmed as it is uneven! | 3 |
    Her untitled mamafesta memorialising the Mosthighest has | 4 |
gone by many names at disjointed times. Thus we hear of, The | 5 |
Augusta Angustissimost for Old Seabeastius' Salvation, Rockabill | 6 |
Booby in the Wave Trough, Here's to the Relicts of All Decencies, | 7 |
Anna Stessa's Rise to Notice, Knickle Down Duddy Gunne and | 8 |
Arishe Sir Cannon, My Golden One and My Selver Wedding, | 9 |
Amoury Treestam and Icy Siseule, Saith a Sawyer til a Strame, Ik | 10 |
dik dopedope et tu mihimihi, Buy Birthplate for a Bite, Which of | 11 |
your Hesterdays Mean Ye to Morra? Hoebegunne the Hebrewer | 12 |
Hit Waterman the Brayned, Arcs in His Ceiling Flee Chinx on the | 13 |
Flur, Rebus de Hibernicis, The Crazier Letters, Groans of a Briton- | 14 |
ess, Peter Peopler Picked a Plot to Pitch his Poppolin, An Apology | 15 |
for a Big (some such nonoun as Husband or husboat or hose- | 16 |
bound is probably understood for we have also the plutherple- | 17 |
thoric My Hoonsbood Hansbaad's a Journey to Porthergill gone | 18 |
and He Never Has the Hour), Ought We To Visit Him? For Ark | 19 |
see Zoo, Cleopater's Nedlework Ficturing Aldborougham on the | 20 |
Sahara with the Coombing of the Cammmels and the Parlourmaids | 21 |
of Aegypt, Cock in the Pot for Father, Placeat Vestrae, A New | 22 |
Cure for an Old Clap, Where Portentos they'd Grow Gonder how | 23 |
I'd Wish I Woose a Geese; Gettle Nettie, Thrust him not, When the | 24 |