The Book
Original Cover Art
A brief glance….
2498 A.D.- The Kryth Mahr Domain attacks from the outer part of the Sol system. One million refugees escape Earth aboard seven interstellar Colony Builder ships. Within three days 42 billion humans within the Sol system and Earth are massacred. The Earth and other system planets become desolate and uninhabitable. The reason for the attack is unknown at this time.
2501 A.D.- Three years have passed before Humankind finds a new system to settle in. The Mydian system, as it is named, becomes the new home for the refugees of Earth.
01 P.E.-The new "Post Expulsion" date is set as Mankind rebuilds from a lost past. Four of the seven interstellar ships that carried the refugees start the rebuilding phase by setting down on the first inner planet of the system. The large ships are transformed into factories, buildings and other structures on the planet surface. Two of the other ships join and build an orbiting platform to become a future launching point for ship construction and expansion. The last interstellar ship is used as the primary space transportation for the colony.
06 P.E.-The Assembly is created and a governmental structure is set in place. Immediately, the Assembly sets Precepts for further expansion and the future of the colony.
10 P.E.- The Kryth Mahr invasion of the Sol system saw the great loss of historic documents, literature, art and all that was the soul of man from the time of his existence. Therefore, the formation of historians is created by the Assembly to continue the writings of Humankind, they became known as the Keepers. The Annals are created by the Keepers to continue on recording the following history of man. These Annals become the core of the new colony and are held in the highest of regard, as the Keeper Taldon said, "History is either forgotten, misused or ignored until it is lost."
27 P.E.-Scientists start to expand the human population rapidly, by reintroducing cloning. Also, intensive gene technology is incorporated within each newborn, extending man's life expectancy 130 years.
71 P.E.- The Ordinance forces are created as the primary military and defending force for the colony. The first shipyard, Tyr, is constructed to orbit around the second moon of the Mydian system, Janus. The Ordinance forces begin the design phase for the first armed forces and fleet.
140 P.E.-The Assembly accepts the Ordinance proposal for surveillance insurgence into other territories. The Ordinance selects a specialized group to gather intelligence on surrounding systems and on the Kryth Mahr Domain.
153 P.E.-The completion of the first fleet is celebrated on the home world of Janus. The fleet consists of six ships, four battle cruisers, one small carrier and a command ship. Once the first space fighter is constructed, it would follow and complement the fleet.
164 P.E.-On Janus, riots break out at the Assembly Mount as angry citizens protest the laws restricting trade and expansion for individuals, since only the government and military can trade with outside races and groups. The Assembly points out the sensitivity and frailty of the Ordinance and Mankind at this juncture of time. The Assembly feels the issue can be revisited as security and the strength of the Ordinance forces expand. The Assembly reminds the citizens of past occurrences with pirates and raiders, but the citizens continue their protests. Because of this, Martial Law is set in the 16th Precept by the Assembly to regain order and continue to protect the interests of the Human race.
195 P.E.-The Ordinance begins the scientific research on advances for soldiers. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Ceantiology and weapon technology will be studied and combined to create the future soldier.
197 P.E.-The Ordinance names Korlan Parejas as Ground Force Commander. The Assembly acknowledges Parejas for the position. Thus begins a great day for Korlan and his wife, Shallen, who gives birth to their first born son, Shenta Parejas.
199 P.E.-A skirmish ensues outside the Mydian system involving a smuggler convoy and a Kryth Mahr scout ship. The Ordinance forces respond as the battle carries over into Mydian space. The smugglers jump out of the system to avoid any further loss of their cargo but the Ordinance fares less fortunately in the conflict: Ten fighters are lost, and the Kryth ship is destroyed. The news sends shivers down the Assembly's ranks, realizing a Kryth investigation would soon follow. Korlan Parejas suggests that that the debris of the Kryth and smuggler ships be placed in the Montis Rift Nebula outside the system to avoid Kryth intelligence. After several days a group of Kryth ships do appear within the Nebula to investigate but soon leave, as they find nothing.
200 P.E.-The Ordinance and the Assembly set the 25th Precept and the date for the re-conquest of the Sol system and the planet Earth. The year for the mission is set for 267 PE. The Ordinance orders the design and completion of a new fleet that would lead the assault. Korlan seconds the motion and also asks for the design of a planetary defensive system that includes camouflage and cloaking devices; after all, the Kryth came within a sector of finding the new colony of Man.
212 P.E.-A breakthrough in Nanotechnology allows scientist to study these new procedures in current soldiers before they begin the final development of the future soldiers, the Reavers.
215 P.E.-The first major battle for the Ordinance forces takes place at Tella Doal. Unknown Sector Raiders attack an Ordinance mining field near the Mydian system. Thinking that they are attacked by a small band of raiders, only the battleship Kilmora was sent to them. What awaits the Kilmora and its troops is an all-out assault by a nearby raider clan, the Holmloskks. The Kilmora finishes off four Holmloskk attack drones and one cruiser before falling into the vacuum of space. Three of the five mining fields are destroyed before the raiders are driven off. The loss is felt back at home not just for the crew of the Kilmora but for Korlan Parejas and his wife Shallan, the Chief Logistics Officer aboard the great battleship.
216 P.E.-At a hearing upon the Mount the son of Korlan Parejas, Shenta, stands before the Assembly and denounces the bureaucracy of its Precepts for expansion and diplomacy among other races. His major criticism follows his fathers for the protection and defense of Humankind above anything else. "Until we have adequate protection we should tread lightly throughout other systems and sectors. For we know what the Kryth do not… We still exist. Shall we forget the lessons taught by the Keepers, or for the reasons we rebuild now, as a race?" Silence falls upon the Assembly as Shenta Parejas speaks.
223 P.E.-The Constellation Camouflage system is completed and implemented within the inner part of the Mydian system. This enables the homeworlds and Ordinance bases to be cloaked among the stars. This adds the extra protection that Korlan, and now Shenta, had asked for.
229 P.E.-The second Reaver Regiment is created. Comprised from chosen newborns, fully integrating all genetic alterations and the most advanced biotechnology to date. This marks the first true regiment trained from infancy.
230 P.E.-Shenta Parejas becomes the Commander of all ground forces on his thirty third birthday, a position his father held a decade earlier. Shenta begins the implementation of the new breed of soldiers that have been in development over the past 35 years.
248 P.E.-A secret operating base for the Ordinance is discovered by a group of Cukkzen scouts in the Kontene system. Shenta sends a Reaver Regiment to retrieve the surveillance team. A very well respected Reaver, Kason Bender, leads the regiment against the Cukkzen assault. The regiment brings quick and total destruction to the attackers. With the first mission of the Reavers a success, Shenta feels confirmation as his regiments performed without question.
255 P.E.-The Assembly appoints Shenta Parejas as Commander of the Ordinance and orders the first ship of the new fleet out of the shipyards. The two new fleets that are being built will not be complete for another five years, so the decision to bring out the first flagship is made. The Orions Rage is the most advanced ship that Mankind has ever built, and it is meant to rival the best that the Kryth or any other race can field.
256 P.E.-Commander Parejas appoints Kason Bender as the leader of the Reaver Regiments, the position Shenta previously held. Shenta chooses Kason because he senses a leader within him and the warrior he will become. Kason accepts the position and soon states his beliefs: "The Kryth will pay for their insurgence into our Sol system and the death of our culture and way of life. The Reavers will be there when the Kryth Mahr Domain gasps their last breath of existence. My hatred for them will not be sated until their Domain lies in ruin." The Reavers cheer as Parejas and Bender clasp hands and begin the final formation of the troops that will lead the assault within eleven years.
261 P.E.-The Ordinance has still not found the reason for the Kyrth assault into the Sol system and the destruction of Humankind's past. The intelligence gathering is extended beyond and into surrounding Kryth Mahr territories and holdings. Lives are lost but valuable information is gained.
262 P.E.-The new fleet is complete and leaves the Tyr shipyards to join the command ship, the Orions Rage.
263 P.E.-Kason Bender assembles the final Reaver Regiments and names the lead unit for the Retribution mission.
***END DATA CELL 11Y70***
The Annals Continue…