Thelema Coast to Coast #43: October 6, 2007
On this podcast:
- Opening music: Invocation of the Barbarous Names by Phosphoros
- Opening Remarks
- Interview Niki Hughes about the Gnosis Festival - There is also a Google Group for Gnosis 2007.
- Discussion with Keith418 looking at Thelema, is it a religion?
- Interview with David Rankine about the new Golden Hoard book, The Goetia of Dr Rudd.
- Closing Music: Hymn of Pan by Coph Nia.
Listen to the show here!
Total Running Time: 1:34:18
File Size: 43.1MB
NOTE: This show was meant to be released on Saturday, October 6, 2007. However, due to technical problems with the hosting company, the released was delayed until October 8, 2007. We apologize for the delay.
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