In Operibus Sigillo Dei Aemeth, Part VI


David Richard Jones



Uriel. Thou must refer thy numbers therein contained, to the Upper Circle. For, from thence, all things in the inward parts, shall be comprehended. Look if thou understand it.

Δ I find it to be GALETHOG;

Uriel. it is so.

Δ — I thank God and you, I understand now (also) the numbers annexed.

Uriel. As this darkness is lightened, by the spirit of God, herein; So will I lighten, yea so will the Lord lighten your Imperfections, and glorify your minds to the sight of innumerable most holy and unspeakable Mysteries.

Spirit Action 20 March 15821

Before approaching the problem of symbolic attributions to the names from the Circumference, it is necessary to explain the sigilla or sigils residing within the semicircles or “segments of circles” that are cut from the Circumference by the Principle Septagon.



They are given as being of pure gold with wings and crosses.



These 7 sigils



have commonly been attributed to names drawn from the Circumference and to the planets,2 though no direct correlation or confirmation of this method is found in the text of the corresponding Spirit Actions.

The angels transmitted these sigilla, and then placed them in position within the semicircles. The letters and particularly their unique association with the numbers given and attached to them are drawn from the Circumference.

Galethog 5 G   >5 5
    α   <24 24
    l 30 <30 30
    ε 21 <21 21
    t 9 <9 9
    h 14 <14 14



These letter and number combinations, as previously explained, are the letters that form the name Galethog.



They are set in counterclockwise order from the top (4T) point of the Sigillum.3



Galethog is set as a kind of chief over the names that are drawn from the Circumference. This rulership is enthroned by its exclusive placement in this outer division.

Uriel: Those 7 letters are the 7 Seats of the One and everlasting GOD. His 7 secret Angels proceeding from every letter and Cross so formed: referred in substance to the FATHER: in form, to the SON: and Inwardly to the HOLY GHOST. Look upon it: it is one of the Names, which thou hast before, every letter containing an Angel of brightness: comprehending the 7 inward powers of God; known to none, but him self: a sufficient BOND to urge all Creatures to life or Death, or any thing else contained in this world. It banisheth the wicked, expelleth evil spirits: qualifieth the Waters, strengtheneth the Just, exalteth the righteous, and destroyeth the wicked. He is ONE in SEVEN; He is twice THREE. He is Seven in the Whole. He is Almighty. His Name is everlasting. His Truth cannot fail. His Glory is incomprehensible. Blessed be his name. Blessed be thou, (our GOD) for ever.

Δ — He is twice three and one - Note these manifold and great Mysteries and mark these 7 diverse crosses with these 7 letters.

Spirit Action 20 March 1582

It is notable that these seven are really 8 letters which are contained in 7 divisions of the Circumference, og being double. Certainly one could take the t and the h to be a single th, hence we would imagine the “mystery.” Also angels indicate that each of these divisions contains a secret angel, which may be taken as an indication that the principle 7 names taken from the Circumference may be associated each with one of these “letters” in Galethog’s name.

Next time we will consider this division and the possible attributions of the names to these letters and their sigils, and propose a theory based on the system of the Hieroglyphic Monad.

UR. Thow must refer thy numbers therin conteyned, to the Upper Circle. For, From thence, all things in the inward pates, shalbe comprehended. Looke if thow understand it

D I find it to be GALETHOG;

UR. it is so.

D — I thank God and you, I understand now (allso) the numbers annexed.

UR. As this darkness is lightened, by the spirit of God, herein; So will I lighten, yea so will the Lord lighten your Imperfections, and glorify your myndes to the sight of innumerable most holy and unspeakable Mysteries.

UR. To the next part.


1 Standardized [DRJ] from C. Holden, cf. Peterson and Whitby

2 Lon DuQuette. Enochian Vision Magick. San Francisco: Weiser, 2008 e.v. pp. 57-64 & Israel Regardie edt. The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magick. Phoenix AZ: Falcon, 1984 pp 85-87.

3 Note this forms an intertwined Heptagram, averse in form like unto the Silgil of A∴A∴ and of our lady Babalon.


Index | The Seal of God’s Truth | Introduction and Parts | The Circumference | The Circumference and the Hieroglyphic Monad | The Thrones. The Names Drawn from the Circumference of the Sigillum | The Eight Companies of Five and Their Sigils | Galethog | The “Seven” Thrones