The Golden Dawn Enochiana of Michael Arndt.
All material herein is Copyright 1997 Michael Arndt (
The Material in this directory was originally posted to Enochian-Gfx-L (, the Enochian graphics mailing list.
The Contents of the Directory is as follows:
- Spreadsheet Enochian:
- Tablets.txt
- Tablets.xls
- The Elemental Tables:
- tgreat.gif
- tair.gif
- twater.gif
- tearth.gif
- tfire.gif
- tunion.gif
- The Elemental Seals:
- sair.gif
- sais.gif
- searth.gif
- swater.gif
- sfire.gif
- The Enochian Chess Boards:
- XXair.gif
- XXearth.gif
- XXwater.gif
- XXfire.gif