The Cipher Manuscript

1. 4
2. H. to write the holy name HVHY in the 4
3.Worlds. Write each letter spelled out
4.& obtain 73, 63. 65, 702
5. H. to write in Yetiratic letters
6. tavshinreshqophtzaddipehayinsamekhnunmemlamedcaphyodtethchethzayinvavhehdalethgimelbethaleph
7. SaturnfireSolPiscesAquariusMarsCapricornSagittariusScorpiowaterJupiterVirgoLeoCancerGeminiTaurusAriesVenusLunaMercuryairairtri.gif
8. Read what then appears for YHVH
10. Hs. shows a picture of lineal
12. heptag
13. octag
14. emmeag
15. dekad
16. endekag
17. dodekag
18. Hg. shows tetrad & hexad of Yetz.
19.& geomantic Tree of Life
Geomanitic Tree of Life

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