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The Cipher Manuscript

1.4 = 7
2. Path 28
3. Can. Is admitted by badge of a solid
4. Pyramid.
pyramid of the four elements
5. Hg. The rivers of Eden flow from
6.A central source
7. The 3 circumambulations
8. H. with lamp I am rain, cherisher
9.& harvest yielder, I am Isis
10. Hs. I am Nephthys - dew
11. Hg. I am Athor mist = cloud of Autumn
12. H. Hs. & Hg. Recite sentences of Zoro.
13.About the monad & duad & fountains
14.& matrix & matter
15. H. describes pyramid
16. H. The 28 path = tzaddi = Natural Intelligence
17.& = Aquarius = man = the Adam = Restored World
18. H. shows key 27 of tarot
key 17
20. daleth = Venus Isis
21. Aquarius, mem at her feet

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