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The Cipher Manuscript

1. 4 = 7
2. Closing
3. H. Sent to guard & to rank of those present
4. H. Adoration of Lord of fire
5. H. Speaks salamandrine prayer as in ancient MSS
6. H. Dismisses sals. In name of YHVH Tzabaoth
8. Hs. I III III
9. Hg. I III III close passivesclose activesbanish firecircle
10. Close Passives Actives Banishes fire
11. Path 29
12. H. Gives notice of a 3 = 8
13. H. admits with blinded
14. The 3 = 8 gives signs & words, mystic
15.title & symbol of water, is then pledged
16.& swears by fire. Light restored
17.Se. waves incense & is put in East
18.& is shewn portals of 31, 32, 29
19. once round. H. stops with red lamp as Osiris
20. As stagnant water. Stopped by Hs. As Horus
21. turbid troubled water. Stopped by Hg. As Isis
22. H. speaks to 29 as lord of all water

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