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The Cipher Manuscript

1. 4 = 7 Philosophus
2. Includes paths 29
4.27 & then 4 = 7 proper
5. 4 = 7 = fire grade
6. Open in temple of path 29
7. Opening
8. H. Finds all secure, & only 4 = 7 are present
9. Hg. fire
10. Hs. Venus
11. Hg. Paths are 29, 28, 27
12. H. What is path 29
13. Hs. Pisces
14.The reflection of Aquariusin 28
15. Hs. 27 = reflection of Mars
16. H. Adoration of YHVH Tzabaoth
17. H. Calls on Elohim, Michael
20. Making circleinvoking fire pentagraminvoking earth pentagrampentagram of the elements
21. H. I III III
22. Hs. I III III
23. Hg. I III III

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