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The Cipher Manuscript

1. 3 = 8 ceremony proper
2. H. Admit Can. with Cup of the Stolistes
3. Hs. This is the badge of a stolistes, it is
4.like the Laver of Moses & Sea of Solomon
5.& is also triangle crescent circle
6. H. shows diagram of Eden, with 4 rivers
7.& Da'ath. Eve below & Adam on the cross
8. 3 = 8 = Hod & 30 & 31 Paths = resh shin
9. H. Sign = Practicus grade sign = sign water triangle mem
10. word = YHVH Tzabaoth = 45
11. it is referred to eighth path = Absolute
12. Perfect Path
13. badge is 3=8 sash
14. 3 = 8 belongs to water. See water tower
16. on the altar the cross is above the triangle = power
17. & reflecting the triune therein

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