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The Cipher Manuscript

1.3 = 8
2. Path 30.
3. Cand. is admitted by Greek Cross of
4. 13 Squares Greek cross
5. Frater poraios enter Path 30
6. H. I am the Sun in greatest height
7. Hs. I am the sun in greatest depression
8. Hg. at Axiokersa I am Sun at Equinox
9. H. lecture on fire
10. H. explains Greek Cross
11.& 30 Path = resh = Collecting Intelligence
12. H. shows Key 19 of tarot
13. Hs. shows symbols made of crsecent circle cross
14. "tarot trumps on Hebrew letters
15. Hg."Olympic spirits
18. H. I name you Lord of 30 Path

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