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Ordo Templi Orientis
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Sacred River explores spirituality grounded in religious naturalism & progressive ethics that is both non-theistic and non-supernatural.
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
- Baptism: July 16, 1995 (Sharash)
- Confirmation: January 7th, 1996 (Sharash)
- Deacon Ordination: July 21, 1996 (C. Baphometis)
- Priest Ordination: January 16, 2000 (T. Jacobus)
Ordo Templi Orientis
- Joined March 12, 1995 (Reception, Scarlet Woman Camp)
- Granted a Charter to Initiate (0○ thru III○), 2001
- Web Designer and Maintainer, SWL, 2000-2005
- Designer, Agape (USGL), 2003-2004
- SWL Editor, The Scarlet Letter, 2004-2005
- SWL Quartermaster, 2003-2005
- Founder, Thelemapedia, 2004
- Joined Baphomet Chapter, Dec. 2004
- Joined Alpha Chapter, Feb. 2006
- Deputy Master, Therion-Babalon Oasis, 2006-2007
- Assistant Public Information Officer, USGL, 2006-2008
- Correspondence Secretary, USGL, 2007-2008
- Retired from active participation, January 2008
Published materials
The Scarlet Letter (from Scarlet Woman Lodge):
Other OTO activities:
- Writer/Director of the 2000 Rite of Luna (with Dave B) and the 2001 Rite of Mercury
- MC of the Rites Award Show and Celebration, 1996-2001
- Design contributor to several OTO publications, including Magick, Book 4 (vol. 2), The Revival of Magick (cover art and design), The Principles of Astrology, The Vision and the Voice (Equinox IV:2), and The Book of the Law (Centennial 2004 edition).
- Started up the Thelemic Coffee Night at SWL (now called Café Thelema)
- Assisted in the creation of The Pelican