Articles and Essays
Crowley and Chess
Aleister Crowley…Chess Master?! by Robert T. Tuohey
Notes From Aleister Crowley's Chess Set by Robert T. Tuohey
Crowley vs Whitaker 1916 — Rediscovered! by Robert T. Tuohey
See also:
The Monkey and the Buzz-Saw annotated by Robert T. Tuohey, in the Investigations of Simon Iff section.
Crowley’s influence on Gardnerian Wicca
A True History of Witchcraft by Allen Greenfield
The Wiccan “Great Rite”—Heiros Gamos in the Modern West by Samuel Wagar
Wicca and OTO, a post to alt.magick by Bill Heidrick
The Influence of Aleister Crowley upon “Ye Bok of ye Art Magical” by Roger Dearnaley
See also:
Gardner, Crowley and the OTO, a thread on alt.religion.wicca.moderated
A New and Greater Pagan Cult: Gerald Gardner & Ordo Templi Orientis by Rodney Orpheus
Crafting The Art Of Magic: A Critical Review, Section 7: Gardner's texts & "sources" by D. Hudson Frew
Gerald Gardner's Library, especially Authors A-C
BOOK REVIEW: Crafting the Art of Magic: 1939-1964. A History of Modern Witchcraft by Aiden Kelly, reviewed by Kathy Fleck in the Thelema Lodge Calendar for January 1992 e.v.
The Sources of the Charge of the Goddess by Ceisiwr Serith
From Man to Witch: Gerald Gardner 1946-1949 [PDF] by Morgan Davis