
Published Monthly by the International Monthly, Inc.

1123 Broadway, New York City. Telephone, Farragut 9777. Cable address, Viereck, New York.

President, George Sylvester Viereck; Vice-President, Joseph Bernard Rethy; Treasurer, M. Binion; Secretary, Curt H. Reisenger.

Terms of Subscription, including postage, in the United States and Mexico: $1.50 per year; $0.76 for six months. In Canada: $1.76 per year; $0.85 per six months. Subscription to all foreign countries within the postal union, $1.85 per year. Single copies, 15 cents.

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Entered at the Post Office at New York as second-class matter.

Manuscripts, addressed to the Editor, if accompanied by return postage and found unavailable will be returned. The Editor, however, accepts no responsibility for unsolicited contributions.

Copyright, 1917, by the International Monthly, Inc.


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